AI is a database, forget SQL?
AI is a textual database.
SQL is a pure profanity, in which almost all the work on the preparation of data and searchingis is done by people by hand. Unlike SQL, AI prepares all data and searches automatically.
- In SQL, people decide what parts of speech words belong to and what they mean.
- AI compares the structured dictionary definitions on words (taken from a standard dictionary) with the contexts and subtexts of the texts they come from, finding their parts of speech and what the words mean.
- SQL requires the compilation of archi-complex search queries, makes people sit and formulate series of searches on what they need.
- AI solves this problem using ONE set of phrases made up of words (knowing what they mean and their parts of speech):
a) AI converts texts in many synonymous clusters,
b) AI annotates all search requests by synonymous clusters, gotten from personal profiles,
c) AI compares annotated search queries with synonymous clusters of texts.
Larry E sells you such the ugliness! You look only at language which he coined selling you SQL? Isn't this a pure tragedy? He made billions selling this language alone!
AI is simplicity itself... A user does simply speak with computer and explain what he wants. Indeed, everything is always described by texts and these texts can be structured - AI databases contain structured texts, speak with them?