Re: How touching
SEAL means SEA, AIR, LAND which means it's part of SOCOM (Special Operations Command) AND/OR Joint-Special Operations Command (JSOC) which is headed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon.
THEY task what Operators/SpecOps personnel goto what country doing WHICHEVER designated warfighting tasks. They literally ARE the Top-of-the-Spear for ALL branches of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD)
Delta Force, Navy SEALS, MARSOC, Green Berets, Rangers, etc. are ALL tasked with specific areas of responsibility in terms of force application. Those tasks can be counter-terrorism operations, foreign forces training, battlespace observation and area of operations reporting, execution of enemy kill list orders, special systems and personnel guard duties, reconnaissance operations and plain old guerrilla-style warfighting operations which include blowing up things and killing people REAL GOOD !!!
In Afghanistan, the MOST likely duty was special equipment and personnel guarding duties and ensuring those on their kill list are DEAD DEAD and DEAD !!!! It seems, as of late, that training of local police and Afghan forces has been handed over to U.S.-based security-force contractors!
(i.e. Academi aka Xe Services aka Blackwater)
OH! I forgot, they are ALSO TASKED with capturing and/or killing those 8-to-15-foot tall red-headed and white-haired humanoid giants encountered within some of the mountainous regions of Afghanistan and surrounding countries so they (Alive or Dead!) can be transported back to US laboratories for further scientific study!
That is ANOTHER one of their tasks!