Wouldn't be the first time!
It's a good few years ago now, but El Reg once reported on the 'Mosquito' teenage repellant almost-ultrasonic device, the idea behind it being that only the young could hear the very top end of the audio range and would be sufficiently irritated to move along
The article had a link to an mp3 file, allegedly of the sound of the thing, for those with sufficiently good hearing, However, looking at the file in both Wavelab and Audacity showed it to consist only of silence.
FWIW, to my ears this pseudo Joe Rogan is very close. Knowing in advance that it was 'fake' I could spot that the forceful projection of personality of the original seemed missing, but if I hadn't known in advance, I'd probably have taken it as him just being a bit distracted.
Rather worrying, though hardly unexpected.