Re: Using IPv6
It wouldn't buy enough time.
Routers would NOT be simply adjustable to that format, they wouldn't have been designed with that amount of internal RAM and processing and all their processing speed would break down for even ordinary packets - they would have to be reprogrammed, packets sizes would increase, fragmentation problems and MTU problems would increase, old kit would never get upgraded, and most old kit *couldn't*... just a BGP routing table hits the RAM limits nowadays, suddenly increasing every IP and mask by doubling the size of it knocks it out of the park on anything but new hardware.
TL;DR: Old kit would break, slow down, or just never be able to accept the new addressing.
And in the meantime, you'd still end up in the same problem - in about 30 years we've exhausted IPv4, with exponential growth expected.
IPv6 was invented ~15 years ago, to solve the problem once and for all (because if you have to do all the above, you may as well do it once and properly so you don't have to do it again in another 15 years). So all equipment from ~10 years ago onwards was redesigned with IPv6 support. One redesign, decades upon decades of future-proofing, plenty of space for everything you ever need, change it once, spec the router/RAM/whatever accordingly and then you're covered. That happened in the WINDOWS XP/Vista ERA. Done. Gone. Happened. OS included.
And IPv6 already has shorthand... because even in hex, an IP is for example: 2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334
In dotted decimal, that would be something the size of:
(every two characters in hex is two dotted decimal numbers up to 255!). Easier to remember "ab" or "160.161"? You literally don't understand how big IPv6 is and the problem it was solving for all foreseeable future extensions.
And: 2001:0db8:0000:0042:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 That can be shrunk to: 2001:0db8::0042::8a2e:0370:7334.
Not that much longer / harder to say that your eight dotted decimals from 0 to 255 each. Imagine having to say "2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot 2 5 5 dot" out loud to an amateur, with random numbers instead of nice repetitive ones.
Two thousand and one. "O" "D" "B" "eight": "double-O forty 42":skip it: "eight a two e", "O three seven O", "7 double-3 4". And I've chosen a very long, quite incompressible example (from a random website) that conveys an address from BILLIONS of your IPv5 networks, not just one. It really didn't take that much more, if anything.
And IPv6 also supports compression of the kind you mean (where any multiple 00 can be compressed out of the string by just removing ), the first 64 bits are allocated to you and won't change, and you do not need to worry about all the end digits - as the last 64-bits (8 bytes, or 8 hexadecimal characters, or 8 dotted decimals up to 255) are all yours to do with as you like.
So IANA gives a number using a bunch of the first bits to regions, ARIN etc. allocate numbers with their bunch of the second bits to ISPs, your ISP gives you numbers with all the above, and you get the last bunch of the bits to yourself to do what you like. The same way that MAC addresses work. The initial HEXADECIMAL! bytes are the manufacturer's allocation, the following ones are the individual devices. Note that a MAC address (12 hex digits) already conveys more information than an IPv4 address (4 hex digits), more than your IPv5 address (8 hex digits), and are bandied about, entered into device management portals, copy/pasted, read out over the phone, etc. already. And you don't want to confuse and IP with a MAC or even be close to doing so.
Hierarchical, ordered, future-proof (i.e. only 3% of the IPv6 addresses that exist in current plans will ever be used for the Internet itself, the rest reserved for other uses), and everyone along the chain gets SO MANY addresses that they can issue that any possible use they think of for billions upon billions of customers is covered into the future.
And yet your IP still just looks like:
where the last few blocks of letters for most everyone will be squished to zeros using :: and 1, 2, 3 etc. at the end.
For example, I have 65536 IP addresses at the moment on my network, i know precisely three of them (two DNS servers and a gateway). So, a user's IP under IPv6 might change to:
FE80:0202:B3FF:FE1E:0000:0001 or
FE80:0202:B3FF:FE1E:0000:0002 or
FE80:0202:B3FF:FE1E:0000:0003 or
But I still only need... the first three... which will assign names to the remaining billions as they are required. And the first bit never changes (copy/paste, computers are good at repetitive work) while giving positively BILLIONS of addresses / ranges to everyone along the way.
This is not a burden.
It's not difficult.
It's no more cryptic than IPv4.
And 99.99999% of people will never need see, touch, manipulate or remember that address at all (what is your external IP *NOW* as we speak? Do you know? How did you memorise your 192.168.0.x subnet when you saw it for the very first time and realised you needed it plugged into your network routing?) and the people that do need to? They'll copy/paste from their DHCP config, DNS record, an nslookup, their ISPs techy-only email, etc. etc.
It's ridiculous, in a world reliant upon billions of devices already, to expect a small increase to work for any significant length of time, to expect old hardware to just support that small increase as a matter of course (we're actually worrying about BGP routing tables of only 512k entries which nearly broke the Internet because old routers couldn't hold them!), to redesign ALL new hardware worldwide without future-proofing, or to hinder such efforts because of an address you have to copy/paste from an admin interface once in a blue moon only if you're an IT guy.