Not news really
We've been echoing this on El Reg for years now.
For routine office work you need a decent screen and keyboard, with the welly to run your programmes- mostly an office suite and some simple drawing/painting/photo editing programmes. Nothing that can't be managed with a machine that's years old.
For most game players there are consoles of one kind or another.
For daily life a phone or tablet is all most people need.
At home we have a big 5 year old Dell PC i7 that I've slapped a couple of extra HDDs into that act as backup/storage for itself and the laptops, and added a pair of external HDDs that I swap round from time to time for backup of my backups. (And there's a second DVD writer that I almost never use anymore).
I've never needed more than a fraction of its power.
The 250gb SSD on my Dell laptop was reporting faults a few weeks out of warranty - according to Dell's software, but not according to Windows(?) so I swapped it for a 500gb Samsung SSD while it was still working well, and which interestingly seems to be a bloody sight faster than the one Dell had supplied. And I now see no reason why I'd need to replace this machine in the foreseeable future.
My daughters use(d) laptops for uni work and frankly didn't need a fraction of the power of those machines either.
And my wife uses the Dell for typing stuff or when she needs a full sized screen to read and an iThingy for routine use.