back to article No dice, comrade! Senate floats Russia-busting election law

The US Senate is mulling a bill that would call for sanctions on any country caught trying to hack or influence American elections. The Defending Elections from Threats by Establishing Redlines (DETER) Act covers any foreign nation, but focuses particularly on Russia, where Kremlin agents carried out their campaign to tip the …

  1. Guus Leeuw


    Dear Sirs,

    Finally, an official bill or act that allows them to nuke the commies! All hail the new-found American My-Way-Or-The-Highway system!!

    Best regards,


    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Finally

      I dont really get your angst here Guus. It seems (although i havent read the full Bill's text) a reasonable response to a proven problem. If someone's proven to be trying to meddle in the democratic process then why shouldnt they get a slap on the wrist in the form of sanctions (since money is usually the only thing those at the top care about). There's no option for military action or the like, its purely trade and sanctions options on the table.

      What is kinda sad is that such a bill is necessary - If your intelligence chiefs turn around and say blah and blah were trying to meddle in the election, then responding with some sanctions should have been the first course of action for the newly elected president/prime minister. It doesnt matter if they were trying to help you or hinder you (or just mess with the system!). Because that didnt happen, this law which would make action a requirement. Doesnt seem unreasonable to protect one of the prime tenets in a democracy.

      By the way I'm not an American, and i think the American political system is a broken mess, but it doesnt mean others should be allowed to f%&k with it, without response...

      1. Kabukiwookie

        Re: Finally

        So a Russian trollfarm spending $4500 on ads swung the votes into Trump's favour?

        If you think that had any impact, you either believe the US population is really gullible ort hat the Clinton campign who literally spent billions of dollars was inept.

        What swung the elections is the 8 years of recent abuse of the US electorate by the democrat govt with four years more of the same in the near future.

        Aside from that. Who is the US govt to complain about meddling in elections. Are they afraid of the competition, because meddling in foreign elections is their forte.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Finally

          I wonder if this law will be applied to Likud? Or have all its members got US citizenship?

      2. Guus Leeuw

        Re: Finally

        The Angst, dear lglethal, is that this bill / act is a foot in the door for future governments to broaden the retaliation aspects... It's not unheard of that once a government has the ability to do something small, they want to be able to do more... The saying goes: "Give them a hand, they take the whole arm"... It's just human nature...

      3. Augie

        Re: Finally

        I presume then you would also expect the Americans to be punished when they do the same thing?

        1. Uncle Slacky Silver badge

          Re: Finally

          Especially if they advertise the fact:

          1. Kabukiwookie

            Re: Finally

            No. US meddling in foreign elections is aleays a win for Demockracy and Freedom(tm).

            You're just a Putin puppet if you're against the Police State^H^H^H^H^Hman of the planet.

          2. Trollslayer

            Re: Finally

            Beat me to it.

            Have a beer.

        2. The Nazz

          Re: Finally

          Yes. Retrospectively back to the mid 60's at least, others may mention Korea. One of my earliest memories from the TV news is the Mi Lai (sp?) massacre. Lt Calley was it?

          On a side note, slightly related i suppose, i'd played Arlo Guthries "Alice's Restaurant Massacree" a couple of times before i't clicked as to why there were no deaths.

  2. Kabukiwookie

    Idiocracy was a documentary

    The US govt has gone full retard.

    Don't forget; you know it's good because it contains electrolytes.

    1. Chris G

      Re: Idiocracy was a documentary

      One of the retards is promoting this Bill. Marco Rubio must be on steroids and amphetamine and never sleeps, because he is out there threatening other country's elected governments, trying to pass bills and commenting on everything including the kitchen sink. Expect to see him as a rabid presidential hopeful inan election near you sooner rather than later.

  3. Spanners
    Black Helicopters

    What about?

    As the world is aware, the US has been fiddling with other peoples elections for decades. If they don't like the result anyway, they mess around with the economy until it turns into something like Venezuela.

    What sanctions will they take against themselves then?

    1. Blockchain commentard

      That old saying

      Do unto others as you would not have done to yourself !!!!!

    2. Stork

      Re: What about?

      I know that the US has quite a track record in fiddling other countries' elections, this is really pot-kettle-black.

      But in the case of Venezuela, I think the current situation is largely of their own making. Decades of underinvestment (so you could spend dosh on you favourite ground and projects instead) and filling positions based on loyalty rather than competence goes a long way to explain the current mess.

      The problem seems to be fundamental to mineral wealth, please list five countries with vast natural resources compared to population which are not in some sort of mess. I give you Norway.

      1. Stork

        Re: What about?

        favourite groups, bother

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They should make it a felony

    If you have any involvement in a campaign and you are contacted by any non-citizen regarding providing help, money, etc. for your campaign and don't immediately report it to the FBI. Or if you provide any election information to foreigners. What Don Jr. did in 2016 in setting up that meeting in Trump Tower with Russians or what Manafort did in providing polling data to Kilimnick may not have been illegal, but it sure as hell should be!

    1. Kabukiwookie

      Re: They should make it a felony

      It's great to see (presumably) one of the members of the land of the free, advocate for going full Stasi Germany.

      I take it history is just a 13 point word to you.

    2. fajensen

      Re: They should make it a felony

      If you have any involvement in a campaign and you are contacted by any non-citizen regarding providing help, money, etc. for your campaign and don't immediately report it to the FBI. Or if you provide any election information to foreigners.

      Saudis and Israelis giving huge gobs of money to presidential candidates and their foundations are not non-citizens then?

      And newspapers goes to court for, say, publishing polls and the location of polling stations on the internet, or indeed anywhere where a tourist might read it?

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: They should make it a felony

        Campaigns ALREADY can't legally accept campaign contributions from Saudis or Israelis. AIPAC for example is a US based lobbying company that lobbies on behalf of Israel but it is supported by Americans. Or at least is supposed to be, if some of the money comes from Israel they at least hide it well enough to avoid getting caught.

        Campaigns NEVER share their internal polling data with newspapers, they consider that one of their most closely held secrets. That's why it was so strange to hear that Manafort shared Trump's data with Kilimnick. The media does their own polling, along with independent organizations like Gallup, and the most you hear about internal polling is that campaigns will always claim their internal polling shows a rosier picture when their candidate is behind. But they don't share the data itself.

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: They should make it a felony

      that will never happen, the Cuntons and other dems (and likely reps too) accepted so much money from China (not a secret), its a staple of corrupt politics in the US - and they won't make rules that take money out of their own pockets - only yours and mine.

  5. Temmokan

    Oh, of course.

    It's the "hostile countries" that are to blame for everything. When the USA, well, influence political parties/regimes/whoever abroad, that's perfectly normal.

    When someone else does the same to the USA, that's intolerable hostility. Of course. Naturally.

    1. jmch Silver badge

      The worst thing is, there's enough of a mess of Americans interfering with the whole US democratic process, from the way district boundaries are drawn, electoral rolls are kept, campaign financing (CPACs anyone?)... and then after the elections, the lobbying, pork tacked onto every bill etc etc.

      Foreign interference should be quite low down on their priority list if they really want a functioning democracy

      1. Chris G


        Take a look at Kris Kobach and Greg Palast's reporting on him.

      2. Jellied Eel Silver badge

        The worst thing is, there's enough of a mess of Americans interfering with the whole US democratic process, from the way district boundaries are drawn, electoral rolls are kept, campaign financing (CPACs anyone?).

        And then there's 'opposition research' that was behind a lot of the Russiaphobia. A dodgy dossier full of unverifiable allegations that should make for a simple libel case, and bankrolled by the Democrats. But that's US politics. Their last election seemed to show just how low things can go, and given the infighting & dirty tricks, there's probably little need for outside interference.

        (and then of course, there's Joe Biden. Assuming he dodges his groping allegations, a future contender. As long as nobody looks too closely at his influence in Ukraine, or his son's role in Burisma..)

  6. jmch Silver badge

    Stable boor bolted :)

    (Orange) Horse long gone :(

    1. BrownishMonstr

      Re: Stable boor bolted :)

      You just bought the show "orange is the new black"'a name to my head. Although the name is fitting, it perhaps isn't right to say...

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Does the bill work both ways and America get punished if it interferes with elections and governments in other countries as it has frequently done in the past ?

    Thought not.

  8. Robert Moore

    What are the chances...

    Do you think ComradeTrump would ever approve this?

    Beer, because there is no Vodka icon.

  9. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    "Among the Russia-specific provisions are calls for the White House to produce and maintain a regular report on the net worth of Russian President Vladimir Putin, and any other individuals who would potentially have an interest in meddling with US affairs."

    Does this mean we get to see Trump's tax returns? (Along with all other candidates, of course. Can't pick and choose.)

  10. EnviableOne

    Man i Love the Bacronims these US bills get

    But i am sure the DETER act will be as effective as a deterent as the PATRIOT act was at promoting patriotism

    1. Kabukiwookie

      Possibly not bacronym (not a conscious one), but my personal favourite:

      'Operation Iraqi Liberation'.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        That operation had a hidden work between Iraqi and Liberation, Gold. And yes the operation was a success.

  11. CJ Hinke

    Geese & ganders

    Such a law will be of great benefit...IF it is applied to US interventions in foreign elections. It's a two-way street. Like nukes, the yanks want it all their way!

  12. ivan5

    Look at home

    It appears that they are saying that the moment an election is announced all the US news media will have to shut down for the duration because anything they publish could well influence the outcome.

  13. Anonymous Coward
    Big Brother

    We've been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947

    Loch K. Johnson: “We’ve been doing this kind of thing since the C.I.A. was created in 1947,” said Mr. Johnson, now at the University of Georgia. “We’ve used posters, pamphlets, mailers, banners — you name it. We’ve planted false information in foreign newspapers. We’ve used what the British call ‘King George’s cavalry’: suitcases of cash.”

  14. Nick Kew

    Capitalism outsources most of it ..

    ... So who or what country gets sanctioned for the Murdoch empire (probably the biggest single culprit worldwide?) meddling in elections?

  15. Claverhouse

    Yanks Out !

    Apart from US meddling happening since Italy in the 1948 election, and no doubt for many elections in Latin America before that: if I were a smallish to medium country I would pray every day not to allow any trade or contacts with America, and let them impose what sanctions they may to keep themselves out. Only private citizens would be welcomed. No USAR military bases and no businessmen to destroy indigenous industries through competition and blanketing.

    No more exploitation, and no furthering of democracy, no Free Trade, no Free Market ideology and no whiny diplomats telling one what to do, no more congressthings under the illusion they rule the world... sounds like heaven.

  16. mhenriday

    The more «sanctions», the better ;

    perhaps the US government and such people as Marco Antonio Rubio - that tribune of the people, as his given names suggest - which continually interfere in the internal affairs of other, nominally sovereign countries, could sanction themselves out of existence ?...


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