Re: What is the recommended AV on OSX at the moment?
1. I do not have anti-virus software on my macs/linux boxes, even the ones kids use
2. I have had Windows Defrauder on a box the kids used, it got 0wned severely and I needed to get avast to clean up the mess.
I later found the same malware on a Windows box handed to me by an acquaintance 7 whole months later, with defrauder fully up-to-date on it, everything still happy, the system a dog ... cleared it with avast, again.
Yes, you have done it manually/scripting, but ... that involved 1000's of registry keys, when you tried to uninstall it, it would claim it would first need to uninastall <list of all third party software installed>.
GTAV needs to run on Linux, natively, pretty please ... Rockstar sucks, no as much as EA, though ... who use emulator software for Sims on macOS, the software was first developed for Linux, yet still do not support Linux - ea are scum, as is nVidia.
Obligatory Linus: "nVidia, Fuck YOU!" video ...