Re: mostly Goolag-free
I have a few Google accounts that I use for things like signing into Disqus, but I never use them for email or any other Google related stuff. I sign in, post the comment, then delete all my cookies to sign out once again, and every so often I get a new IP address from my ISP's large pool. I could set my router to reboot periodically (giving me a new IP each time), but with my ad and script blocking, I don't really find it worth the trouble at the moment. I release and renew the IP address manually sometimes when I'm not busy, a few times a week.
I use YouTube from time to time, but I'm never signed in when I do. It warms my heart when Google recommends completely off-base and irrelevant videos to me. I can't say what ads it is trying to show, as I don't see any of them. It means I can't like or subscribe to anything, but that's ok, as I've never done that anywhere else either. I use browser bookmarks and check manually if I'm concerned enough about what other videos may be posted on a given channel, which I seldom am.
As for search, I use for that.
When it comes to my phone, it's not "smart" anyway. I don't like Apple or Google, so it's good that I don't like smartphones either, I guess.