back to article The biggest uptick in demand for software devs by bosses is for... *rubs eyes* blockchain engineers?!?

The largest swelling of demand in software development occurred in the role of blockchain engineer, or so says recruitment biz Hired. Arguably the most overhyped technology in the past ten years, blockchain nonetheless appears to appeal to companies, at least to the extent enthusiasm can be generalized from Hired's survey of …

  1. Pascal Monett Silver badge

    I need to find me one of those companies

    I need to find one of those companies that has money to burn on useless tech and convince them that my new securchain technology will put them two steps ahead of the competition.

    Then I should be able to milk those idiots until I retire.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Then I should be able to milk those idiots until I retire.

      Please write about it.

      :"BOFH Beginning"

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: I need to find me one of those companies

      "I need to find one of those companies that has money to burn on useless tech and convince them that my new securchain technology will put them two steps ahead of the competition."

      Good luck - my super-securechain is provably twice as good as I ROR the output on little endian architectures. Future versions will be 4x/8x/16x's as good AND support big endian architectures.

      I believe my enhancements will scale even further in the future if the company has sufficient capital to allow me to develop my ideas further..

    3. T. F. M. Reader

      Re: I need to find me one of those companies

      I strongly suspect the reason you don't find such companies easily is that you subconsciously try to stay as far away from them as possible.

  2. Alister

    Arguably the most overhyped technology in the past ten years,

    Yes, I'd argue, not sure blockchain is quite as overhyped as "AI"

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      My current employer bet the company on blockchain and AI. There's an important company announcement next week which we are told will affect all employees. I am sure that it is going to be good news with tea, medals and bonuses for all.

      1. Alister

        Will there be cake?

    2. Munchausen's proxy

      Yes, I'd argue, not sure blockchain is quite as overhyped as "AI"

      It's a trick question though. AI is the most overhyped technology over the past fifty years.

  3. Steve Button Silver badge


    56% of the respondents are morons, cretins or imbeciles (or all three) so I'm going to disregard the whole thing.

    1. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: Morons

      Insert obvious Brexit joke here!

    2. Dan 55 Silver badge

      Re: Morons

      Obviously you're one of the violent unreasoning barely-sentient 24% so your views can be easily discounted as worthless.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: Morons

        Or worse, one of the 24% who should have been one of the 20% who just kept quiet and avoid displaying their ignorance.

        Fortunately, this was collected electronically so when it finally excapes to the internet, the 24% can be....ummmm....properly dealt with. Humanely. Well as humanely as they deserve.

  4. Dan 55 Silver badge

    "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

    At least there is method behind the madness with Perl, the only thing it's guilty of is straying a little too far away from C syntax which for some people is an insurmountable problem. Sticking two keywords together in JavaScript or PHP is like playing Wheel of Fortune, but the familiar squiggles and braces lull you into a false sense of security.

    1. John Hawkins

      Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

      But isn't madness the whole point of Perl?

      Wonderful language - since nobody except me was ever going to read my code I used to try to use as few characters as possible. Great fun.

      1. EricM

        Agree :)

        Writing 3 LOC programs which work perfectly, but I won't understand myself any longer after 2 weeks IS fun.

        1. swm

          Re: Agree :)

          Writing 3 LOC programs which work perfectly, but I won't understand myself any longer after 2 weeks IS fun.

          Ever try APL?

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Agree :)

            "Ever try APL?"

            APL is my favourite language for beating data into useful shapes.

            One of my favourite escapades was analyzing performance data. I had what was essentially an over-determined set of linear equations.

            I calculated a least squares fit for a polynomial of any desired degree, calculated the interpolating polynomial for that fit, graphed it and printed it.

            It was a quick hack... five minutes to code, test, and refine, and totalled 2 lines of APL, for a not particularly

            length optimized version.

            Another short fun task was being handed a program that one of our customers found too costly in machine resources to run. It had been written in APL by a programmer thinking in COBOL That one took an hour to sort through and convert to APL programming style, which cut the run time to one tenth of one percent of the previous version.

      2. ibmalone

        Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

        My favourite Perl game, since I write a reasonable amount of it, is writing clear, well-structured programs, and then chuckling quietly when people tell me Perl programs are incomprehensible as a whole. (See also Bash scripts, but not, apparently, Python, even if the specific code you're looking at seems to be spaghetti with branches that end in exceptions it's not possible that this is actually the case.)

      3. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

        But isn't madness the whole point of Perl?

        Yes - because it's procedural. If it were object oriented, then the point would be method.

    2. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

      Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

      Perl is no better or worse than the majority of other languages for readability. The onus is on the programmer to structure their code well, use meaningful variable names, add comments where appropriate, etc. What Perl does offer that some other languages don't is the ability to write correct but very unreadable code. Whether or not to use the facilities and throw confusion upon the poor sap that follows in their wake to maintain their code, is a matter for a programmer's conscience.

      Sadly, for some programmers I've encountered, the opportunity to sadistically use such features and demonstrate that they are in some way superior seems to be a matter of misguided personal pride.

      1. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

        "Sadly, for some programmers I've encountered, the opportunity to sadistically use such features and demonstrate that they are in some way superior seems to be a matter of misguided personal pride."

        Until they make the mistake of staying in one job long enough to find themselves maintaining their own code.

      2. ibmalone

        Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

        There's some fun to be had in writing clever condensed stuff, see code golf. The more seductive route though is writing something and thinking, "actually I could get rid of that if..." and, before you know it, in the name of tidying you've reduced everything to a single code-executing regex. The trick to staying on the light side is keeping an eye on whether things are getting clearer or just smaller.

    3. martinusher Silver badge

      Re: "A 2017 Stack Overflow survey singled out Perl as the most hated coding language"

      That's a weird conclusion, IMHO. Perl is a very usable language for the things that Perl was designed to do. I don't consider myself a Perl programmer but I do write scripts in that language and its pretty easy to work with -- its flexible, its efficient and the code can be made readable, it does the job. The only complaint I have with it is that the notational short cuts are really only for the pros; if you don't do Perl all the time and you want to be able to maintain your scripts then its better to avoid them, no matter how elegant they may seem to be.

  5. John70

    WTF is a...

    Search Engineer? Is it someone spending their working day looking up stuff on Google?

    I'll do that for $157K / £118K

    I thought it was bad enough with companies making up job titles with latest buzzwords in it. Like the DWP ads that want "DevOps" engineers.

    1. ibmalone

      Re: WTF is a...

      If it comes to that, what is a "Blockchain engineer"? Is there an accredited course I can take? Or possibly engineer just means "does stuff with" now...

      1. Hans Neeson-Bumpsadese Silver badge

        Re: WTF is a...

        possibly engineer just means "does stuff with"

        In a lot of territories that is the case I fear. I know some countries (Germany comes to mind) treat the term with a little more reverence - there "Engineer" (written as "Ing") is used as title in the way that "Dr" or "Rev" would be.

        Over here, the number of people who style themselves as engineers could, by a similar logic, also style themselves as "Dr" because they're regular viewers of Holby City and own a first aid kit.

        1. Filippo Silver badge

          Re: WTF is a...

          In Italy, you are not allowed to call yourself an engineer unless you've got a degree and then passed a state certification (much like attorneys, doctors of medicine and so on).

          1. Sandtitz Silver badge

            Re: WTF is a...

            I hear it's the same in Oregon as well!

    2. Killfalcon

      Re: WTF is a...

      Search Engineers make search boxes work. In a lot of cases this is trivial, but if you've got a lot of data and/or don't want to just use google's code, you do want a specialist to come in and optimise things to fit your environment (especially if there's legacy data involved that you can't just jam indexes into, or security levels where some results mustn't show up at all for the wrong people).

    3. Trollslayer
      Thumb Down

      Re: WTF is a...

      take a look at property prices, you will be lucky to get a bedsit.

    4. Tom 7

      Re: WTF is a...

      I worked at a company that had an 'Agile' accountant. They never caught him so I guess he was!

    5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      Re: WTF is a...

      "Search Engineer? Is it someone spending their working day looking up stuff on Google?"

      Maybe it someone who writes stuff that searches Google and then filters out all the false positives.

      1. M.V. Lipvig Silver badge

        Re: WTF is a...

        That guy should be fired then. I get more false positives than good links when I search for stuff. Usually I'm looking for information on car stuff, but 90 percent of the hits are trying to sell stuff similar to what I'm searching for, but doesn't seem to find actual information.

  6. DJV Silver badge

    What's the betting...

    ...that most of these companies will require someone with at least 20 years blockchain experience as a minimum...

    1. WallMeerkat

      Re: What's the betting...

      15 years of Windows Server 2016

      10 years of C++17

    2. Tom 7

      Re: What's the betting...

      Could do that - blockchain was first mooted in 1991.

  7. Wellyboot Silver badge

    Over hyped technology pay - not what it once was.

    >>>highest paid position on average was search engineer ($157K or £118K)<<<

    Wayback (late 90s) after IBM bought Lotus Notes/Domino, adverts were offering £1,000 per day in the City, (then the next must have technology came along)

  8. Chris Miller

    Proving once more that generals are always ready to fight the last war.

  9. Dr Who


    Assemble a large number of blockheads, link them all together forming a chain of fools, then sit down and count all your money for nothing.

    1. lglethal Silver badge

      Re: Blockchain

      Hey! We all agreed to keep the instruction manual for Blockchain a secret! What are you doing chucking it on the internet where anyone could read it?

    2. Just An Engineer

      Re: Blockchain

      Could also be called a Management Chain..

  10. thosrtanner

    No obvious explanation - really?

    fairly early on in the article:

    "...nobody has actually come up with a use for the blockchain – besides currency speculation and illegal transactions."

    i think there's enough of an answer there. The 2 largest financial markets on the planet!

    1. Tom 7

      Re: No obvious explanation - really?

      They've managed very well without blockchain for as long as trade existed.

  11. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    I got interviewed to work as a blockchain engineer,,,

    ...but I made a complete hash of it

    1. horse of a different color

      Re: I got interviewed to work as a blockchain engineer,,,

      was that the consensus?

    2. Korev Silver badge

      Re: I got interviewed to work as a blockchain engineer,,,

      I'm too tired to bitcoin some more puns

  12. horse of a different color

    tabs not spaces?!

    seriously, how can any serious developer use tabs and not spaces?! TABS, FFS. next they'll be putting braces on a new line BY ITSELF, and calling braces 'curly brackets'. bloody heathens.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: tabs not spaces?!

      Next thing you know there'll be people proclaiming that they prefer vi over emacs, if you can imagine such a thing. Total insanity. If you're hard core old school, you have (setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) in your emacs init.el file, putting spaces where spaces belong like a real programmer, and everyone else can go back to bleating about how they preserved 437 precious bytes of disk space by using tabs. You say you wanna use tabs when entering source code but have them converted to spaces when you save? Sure, but if you have to do it that way, your editor already sucks.

  13. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

    Companies, he said, appear to be keen to build blockchains but there isn't enough blockchain talent to meet demand.

    Mystery solved. Manglement will never get disillusioned about anything until they've tried and failed* and they cen't even recruit the staff to try.

    * To be followed by wise-sounding comments about how it's better to have tried and failed than never wasted the company's money tried.

  14. disgruntled yank Silver badge

    517% increase in demand

    Last year we had 6 requests, this year we have 31?

    1. meryrose

      Re: 517% increase in demand

      more engineers will be needed as everyone is jumping into blockchain

  15. disgruntled yank Silver badge

    hates & wants

    I have a hard time seeing how Objective C can be the third most hated, given what I take to be the small user base. And I have a harder time imagining that Go is at the top of the demand list.

  16. wayne 8

    working on the blockchain gang

    Working on the blockchain gang all my live long days.

    Laying the blocks from Jo'burg all the way to Gaspé.

  17. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    And who answered the survey?

    Not to insult people -- not too much, anyways -- but have you seen the quality of Q+A on Overflow? Would I trust those same bright things in a survey?

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