You can only misuse it by using it incorrectly
Well, I suppose that's alright then.
Here's a quick summary of recent AI news to kickstart your week beyond what we've already reported. DeepMind sets its eyes on a new game: With Go, chess, old Atari games, and StarCraft under its belt, DeepMind is taking on a new challenge: the card game Hanabi. Unlike previous games, Hanabi is a cooperative game and players …
Still, it shows they're trying things not so obvious. You could probably try a similar approach with a 2-on-2 game of Mille Bournes. 2-on-2 because this requires cooperation in a situation where you don't know your partner's cards yet the partner needs to be able to react to your actions as you will to theirs, so it's another form of imperfect information situation.