Komprise makes steady progress
Back in the 90s Hierarchical Data Management (HSM) was supposed to move your data around for better management. Don't hear much about HSM now. Komprise has helped to change the name of the game from HSM to Enterprise Data Management by checking your Windows and Linux shares for candidate files to be moved to an on-premises object store or a public cloud object store. The Komprise control plane resides on AWS. However, it can run on-premises. Komprise leaves symbolic links when it moves files to deep and cheap storage. Users and their applications can continue to access their data without being retrained to know where to look for it. I beta tested Komprise before it went GA a couple of years ago. In my demo/test lab, I was able to move over a million files from Windows server shares to a Cloudian object store. Glad to see Komprise receive another round of funding to continue product development and expand marketing programs.