Re: Orwell ain't seen nothing yet
problem with being "calm and polite", apart from the fact that I wish to tell them to (...) and mind their own business is, that, being calm and polite does not _guarantee_ that they let you go. Do they not have a vague (pure coincidence) powers to stop and arrest anyone based on "reasonable grounds", or you "acting suspiciously"? And sure, you are welcome to spend the next 5 years in courts (guess, who's going to pay for your time and for legal advice?), and - in the end, prove that the grounds were NOT reasonable, and you were NOT acting suspiciously (despite officers' witnessess, fellow officers, claiming that you did act suspiciously, by hiding your face, which means, in general, that you have something to hide, so they had reasonable ground to stop you and arrest you). You will win - MAYBE. In the meantime, having been calm and polite, despite POs view that you acted aggressively and suspicious (what's that grunt and sulk, eh?), you would have been taken to the station, and they would have calmly and politely requested a DNA sample (bye-bye sample, hello DNA database) and your mugshot (bye-bye... hello...) and you can then spend another 5 years in courts trying (succeeding?) to have those images and samples destroyed. Go ahead, be calm and polite...