Maybe the users liked being choked?
Golly 4G whizz: Vodafone caught using Three UK's spectrum
UK mobile network Vodafone has fingered a subcontractor after evidence showed it was broadcasting on network rival Three UK's piece of the 1,800MHz band at a cell site at London's Gatwick airport. Its Brit competitor Three, the UK arm of Hong Kong giant CK Hutchison, has said it is investigating whether other sites were …
Friday 25th January 2019 12:16 GMT adam payne
And they couldn't resist a dig, it seems, adding: "In the meantime, we will be offering them support and training on mobile mast configuration."
Nice one Three, that made me laugh.
The spokesperson added: "It was a genuine mistake and we are looking into it as a matter of urgency."
You shouldn't use the word 'genuine' in a statement, it makes you look guilty of something.
Friday 25th January 2019 13:22 GMT Sgt_Oddball
In other news...
Regulator caught looking other way.
Scatological efforts of Ursidae in forest areas confirmed.
World still, despite best efforts, continues to turn.
Sounds like a cockup by a poorly trained engineer than anything else (poorly written note perhaps?). Occams razor and all that.
Sunday 27th January 2019 12:33 GMT StuntMisanthrope
Another black mark, it's a privilege.
And a burden of responsibility. Everything is off by default and now in the wrong place. The correlation continues. I have never encountered a system so badly designed as Vodafone's almost as if it was intended to lose customer share by antagonism and text message and increase payroll in all the wrong places. Then it goes wrong and costs even more in money and fines. We cannot now invest in technology and technical resources, that doesn't have a invoice number.
Far behind NTT and they even had a short monopoly. A text book example of decline. #5G #allroadsleadnorth #8barsinthecity