And this is why
And this is why the cloud sucks. Yes, it reduces IT costs across the board, but there are a number of flaws with it.
1. Increases the size of the line at the unemployment office with unemployed IT workers.
2. Your data is at the mercy of the cloud vendor.
3. If the cloud vendor has a security breach, unless encrypted, your data can be exposed.
3a. This can have major legal consequences depending on the nature of the data.
3b. Everyone's data will be at risk depending on the nature of the breach, extent, etc....
4. If the cloud vendor suffers an outage, then your data is inaccessible.
5. The cloud vendor can hold your data hostage if you fail to pay for services.
6. (Related to 4 and 5) If your data is inaccessible, then your business may suffer depending on what the data is and what it is used for.
7. Data in the cloud is not private unless encrypted, and can be accessed by third parties without your knowledge (spies, government agents, etc....)
I am amazed at the speed to which people are moving their data to the cloud. The cloud was never a good idea because it introduces a single point of failure for everyone using it, and it exposes your data to inspection by third parties without your knowledge. And in case you don't know, here in the U.S.A, we have the CLOUD Act. I don't trust the cloud, and for good reason.