"The demise of Microsoft can't come soon enough.."
no, just the demise of windows phone. Micro-shaft should clean their act up and do things the way they USED to, putting customers (and developers) before self-interest, and do good business instead of EXPLOITING and CRAMMING THEIR CRAP UP OUR ASSES DOWN OUR THROATS until we stop hating it and accept what they're doing to us without question nor complaint.
Following THAT "assuming room temperature" (i.e. the death of the WinPhone), we should also pay our "last respects" (or in my case, last thumb-on-nose) to that whole "one windows, everywhere" interface, courtesy of Sinofsky and Larson-Greene, that 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE "tile thing" and UWP, formerly known as "The Metro".
For we all know that Micro-shaft DUMBED DOWN EVERYTHING _JUST_ so WinPhone wouldn't "feel inadequate" when compared to desktops. So, in right millenial fashion, EVERYTHING became "a phone" as far as the UI was concerned.
So we know how Micro-shaft COMPLETELY SCREWED THE POOCH with this PISS-POOR DECISION, right? So _WHY_ does Win-10-nic *STILL* have that 2D FLATTY McFLATFACE that was quite literally INVENTED FOR THE PHONE???
Good Riddance to WinPhone. I want to say Good Riddance to the "the Metro" aka UWP look/nausea too.
Shall I hold a "Mock Funeral" for it, as a stab at Micro-shaft's arrogance back in 2010???
yeah iPhone still alive. Android too. WinPhone, not so much,.