A Government that wants carte blanche with personal information
I cant believe it. Theyre such a fine, upstanding group of politiicians.
The High Court has agreed to hear a campaign group's case against the UK's Data Protection Act, which they say leaves immigrants with fewer rights over their data. The sueball – lobbed by the Open Rights Group and EU citizens' group the3million – targets an exemption in the Act that was passed into law last May. The groups …
So basically, the UK Data Protection Act is a Good Thing for everyone (except the Common People)?
It's getting rather difficult to remember all this Good Stuff without a score-card. It might be time for an addendum to the work of W. C. Sellar and R. J. Yeatman.
"the UK... has a very generous immigration system compared to other western EU countries"
Which is why it's so ridiculous that the EU gets blamed for immigration in this country. The UK government has refused to implement any of the controls it is allowed to over EU citizens, and then shouts "It's the nasty EU, they won't let us do anything". No wonder half the population have such a bad opinion of the EU when even EU supporting politicians have been spreading these lies for years!
It seems now I do less marching on the streets, as that's no bloody use whatsoever, and more funding lawyers to fight for basic rights through the courts. So we have such a broken parliamentary system that we must constantly challenge the government in the courts?
Isn't it three times they've had their air pollution plans defeated in the courts, they've still to produce anything workable, but now they are banging on about wood burning stoves!?
I'm ranting, aren't I. I'll take my dried frog pills.