If all you have is a hammer
Last time you made a particle of 125.09 *Giga* Electron Volts/c2
A particle so huge it lasted 1.56×10−22 seconds before breaking down.
It took a machine that spanned countries to make it.
Your hypothesis was that this particle, explains a tiny energy in an unexplained oscillation. That somehow these particles are there fixing up the universe model for much much much smaller particles. Along the way you made a sh*tload of other particles, which violated you model.
And making a bigger hammer won't help you make it work.
Ultimately matter is just not that sexy. It's two particles, massless, sizeless. One force, an oscillation that approaches resonance, and it's dull.
Dull dull dull. No sexy forces as particles, no backwards time travelling effects, no particles mediating between these forces somehow weaving an interconnected web. Just an oscillation F, and its wavelength W, and a really boring dipolar oscillating across that field and its harmonics and fractional harmonics.
An oscillation is just two massless sizeless monopoles oscillating along an axis.
Light is just ribbons of these oscillations, moving at near W per oscillation to stay in resonance with the field they're moving over, hence the speed of light is driven by the resonance.
Matter is made of just these ribbons wrapped around monopoles forming a donut shaped particle. They are (prime number) multiples of W, and loop around to keep the oscillations in their slot.
That oscillating electron, isn't oscillating because its doing a magic probabilistic dance, its got a donut around it, its sitting in a jiggly field.
It's dull.
There is no mass.
Blackhole as 2F resonant universe, and everything works exactly the same regardless of F, which means we're in black hole. That's kinda sexy. The idea that in those black holes is another universe, simply oscillating at twice the frequency. They too are wondering why they can't see beyond the bound of their universe.... or why its getting slower, or faster (depending on whether their matter is heading to the middle or out).
Or that electric force propagates at infinity, and only its effects need motion, and are limited to 1W per spin. Against sexy. Information theory is toast is that unexplained "can't send data faster than the speed of light" is bollocks pulled from somebodies ass.
On the plus side, if you can change F, you can slow or speed up time.
Want a super fast computer? Stick it in a box and speed up time.
Don't have a cure? Stick patient in a box and slow down time till you have.
Want to travel faster? Speed up F for warp drive.
There is sexy here, but its not hammer shaped. It's pen and paper and computer simulation based.