I have a Volt, myself. The GM app stank also, I quit using it for anything myself long ago. the car itself is fantastic - at least the USB jack lets me play regular music files and I no longer have to have iTunes format (like the 2010 Camaro demanded). But of course, no plain old aux jack and bluetooth bugs that run the battery down(!) - and also give bluetooth quality sound, along with Sirius which of course anyone sane gets off of as quick as they can, finding out that like with Verizon, once they have your CC number it's really, really, near impossible to stop their billing robot. OnStar, one year's worth cost triple what a standalone GPS does at least lets you cancel gracefully - kind of, they can still track you by radio.
To me, the real issue is that car manufacturers all want to be Apple, lock you into their walled garden, but not even lift the fingers to innovate and update that even now-boring Apple does. I mean, upgrading an overpriced phone with nothing really new in it every couple years is bad enough....Cars still have 4 wheels and some of us just want to get there. A little sporty or luxury is nice, but...trying to be what they cannot be is just stupid.
Cars, north of $30,000, almost never get updates, never upgrades, can't have their now-vast networks of internal computer hardware updated or even replaced - try to do something with the audio system for example - now it's also all the bing-bong alerts, your hands-free cellphone and a bunch of other stuff and no car stereo shop will have anything to do with it - and neither can you. Even if you're a real EE, as I play on TV - I have other things to make a life's work of.
And then they wonder why sales are down (other than all our governments obvious lies about the economy catching up with them too). The more people burned, and I know a few myself, the less people are going to pay real serious money - > 50+ iphones, really? - to get caught up in this web of crap and get a minor upgrade if even that? I can buy a paint job and a can of new car smell cheap, guys.