Its worse than he is making out.
As detailed across several HUKD threads, I have just spent 3 weeks in China, and NO ONE is using an iPhone; not even the older generations of phone.
In 3 weeks I saw about a dozen iphones, all older models, and even then, it was only one of 2 phones the person had; and several were being used merely as media players in taxi's.
One interesting person was dressed up in the full fake Givenchy etc; completely overdressed and inappropriate for the park we were in; she used her iPhone to take some photos of my daughter, but it went away as soon as she thought no one was looking, and a Huawei phone came out.
In the main tech and phone shopping areas, Apple was almost non-existent, huge rows of local phone brands, without an Apple banner in sight; yes, they havent been allowed to sell current gen phones for a few weeks, but there was NOTHING. It wasnt until my last day that I saw one small outlet with any Apple products on display.
The claims the price is too high dont work I am afraid, if the people want it, they will find a way to pay for it - or have you all forgotten the stories about people selling a kidney/lung to pay for one??
The biggest warning signs were the launch reports; the queue at the Apple store to launch the phone were not only dismal, but the first dozen or so people were all professional queuers, who had expected to be selling their place to someone who wanted a phone - no one bought them out, so (if I remember correctly), it was no. 19 in the queue who was the first to buy.
Apple are openly discounting phones in the US, and using hidden discounts with carriers in the UK (and probably everywhere else), to offer contracts at more realistic prices; but sales are still terribly slow.