Whenever “Pro” & “Con” are “On The Stage” [doing whatever “they”do best], “Truth” will “HaveTo Wait Its Turn”. And what happens when The-Waiting” is merely A Game? You know, when The-Wait is, somehow but don’t know how, “infinite” ? Well, then, “Eets Jest Too-Bad, Sweets”. When DemonKrazy is able to masquerade as Democracy, DemonKrazy Running-Amok is then The Reality.
When The Vast Majority within The Human Universe employ “Selfishness” as some kinda Excuse in order to “Gain An Advantage”, “The-Waiting” will be Forever & Ever, Amen ! Name the person who won’t really mind giving, for example, 1% of his “paycheck” to “Whatever”. NOT when said “paycheck” is too small to Balance-Out the Bills. Hands-up those who would like To DisAgree. No wonder when The Vast Majority are “Bribe-able”/”Do-able”, Who-You-Know/”Relativity” is then The-Reality and not What-You-Know/”Reality”.
NOTHING will change when “Selfishness”/”Pro-vs-Con” is Running-Amok. There is only ONE reason for Materialism’s existence and that is to be The Embodiment of Love, which happens when “The-Gifting” is Real. That of offering a “Face” to Love. NOT the love which expects-demands but The Love which is UnConditional. That of “Motherliness”. A quality, even “Animals” are able to-express.
Evil is when Destruction has neither Rhyme nor Reason To Destroy. You know, when “Cruelty loves being-Cruel”, whatever The-Justification. Including The Moment when some Masochist loves being hurt, “jest like zat” ! You know, when Masochism is Running-Amok/Prowling-Around-for-Its-Sadist.
Like it or not, Cruelty happens when Destruction has NO Constructive Elements. This is because “Evil”, aka Devolution, exists.
Energy is The Highest at The-Energy-Creator’s Level. Evolution started at The Lowest [materialised] Energy Level before arriving at The Thoughfully-Processing Human Level. Thereafter, in order to Leap-Ahead-&-be-Beyond, The “First-Born” Human has to realise his “self” first. To Realising one’s reality or what Religion-Religiosity “secretly”/blind-blindedly calls, The Born-Again Human Level.
A Bird is Firstly-Born as An Egg before being “Born-Again”as A Bird. Symbolically, A Human is “Firstly-Born” as The Thoughtfully-Processing Human before being “Born-Again” as The Thoughtlessly-Aware Human. You know, when Serendipity is being able to perceive The ONLY Energy-Creator without having To “Think”/Judge About It or when Judgement is a Mental-Issue of Control-Freakism. That of Thought-Processing [TP] Running-Amok. And isn’t it grand that Control’s real aim to justify Its Moment of Abandonment. You know, when Control-Freakism is merely some form of Abandon-Nuttism.
Hands-up those who imagine that being Abandoned is to enable Chaos to Run-Amok. NOT when Control aims-to become Abandonment at The-End. The Human Universe predicates on Selfishness in order to "Sucessfully Spin”. If so, wouldn’t The Solution to The Problem of Selfishness be implementing The-Innocent to remaining Innocent. If so, why befool “Minors” with Frivolity & Nonsense like “Adulthood”/Ritualism-Licentiousness, “Santa”/becoming-Abandoned, and so forth? You know, promoting Illusion-Delusion as Reality.
It is said that, “If Thoughts are readable like A Book, The Vast Majority of “Adults” will be facing “Jail-Time”. But NOT when “Adulthood” means being able to “BeFriend Yore Wigged-Fellow”, thereby avoiding “Jail-Time”, in addition to recycling The Same Ole Junk All over Again. And Again, ad-infinitum.
There must be NO Outright-Control such that those who are able To-Awaken-To-Reality will be able to do so. In the meantime, Human Societies will be able to do as “they” please, which include being “Good”, “Bad” & InDifferent”. When The Truly Living are able To Breathe, Reality will become “accessible”. It does not matter whether The Relativised/Materialised do what “they” do best, so long as Reality is unemcumbered to continue, Reality will become so.
As such, let “Sleeping Dogs Lie”. Let The Control-Freaks be The Number-Oners/”Nazis”. So long as Reality is not constricted by Ascetism-Licentiousness/Duality-pretending-to-be-Singularity, there will be those who are able to become Real, thereby EnLightening those who are ready to Be EnLightened.
The Vast Majority may know ALL About The Tricks of The Trade of Evil, but so long as they are “Being-Compromised”, Nothing Will Change. So “Vape” away – or whatever Smoking will be calling “Smoking”. Remaining Thoughtfully-Processed is to be dulled by Frivolity & Nonsense – and self-certifying that state as being Real. No wonder another name for Devolution is The-Joker. Try not to Laugh too hard, though, if only because that could be The Last Laugh.
Be conscious and be aware that Addiction is The Moment when The Ability to See is not counterable by The Ability to Counter. Materialism's methodology to countering Addiction is via “Replacement-Therapy”. That of replacing an Addiction with A Higher Form of Addiction. For An Addiction to be really counterable, The-Victim needs to realise Its own reality/”truth” first. You know, when Reality is ONLY possible after realising one’s own reality. Without this essential/fundamental step on The Journey towards Reality, one may be on The Journey towards Turth forever & ever. No matter who says/said what.