back to article It's the end of 2018, and this is your year in security

The 2018 calendar year saw an interesting mix of both technical and strategic questions, as engineers were met with new problems and execs were forced to cope with stark new realities. Here are a few of the most interesting and memorable stories to break over 2018. Meltdown menace It's a bit anticlimactic for the biggest news …

  1. Mahhn

    Follow up to CA please

    I know the company changed names, stayed in the same hands. But I'd like to know what happened to all the data Cambridge Analytica mined.

    Most likely they still have the data, are still using it for political manipulation. But I'd like to know.

    Any chance for a follow up story?


  2. GnuTzu

    Equifax -- Penalties

    Fill in rant about how hand slaps are just not enough and how over-sized objects need to be stuffed into certain little holes.

    1. Teiwaz

      Re: Equifax -- Penalties

      how over-sized objects need to be stuffed into certain little holes.

      From fried chips to stuffed elections, a look back at the year that was

      So you mis-read the byline title in a saucy mindset too?

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Zonker Zoggs

      Re: Equifax -- Penalties

      Their cock-up, our arse?

  3. TimMaher Silver badge

    Looking into Windows

    I noticed today that, when I over clicked a photographic link in some article I was reading it went to Yelp to display the pic. On the top right hand side of the page it displayed my photo from LinkedIn.

    That is fun because I am doing this on an iPad using Safari with no Yelp app. installed.

    I haven’t used that picture anywhere else.

    Thanks Microsoft. You bunch of <H1 style=“furious;”>Rude words</H1>.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Looking into Windows

      You're blaming Windows when you're on an iPad?

      1. dak

        Re: Looking into Windows

        I think he's actually blaming Microsoft.

        You remember - the people that own LinkedIn?

  4. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

    A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play

    Are Virtual Wars Advanced IntelAIgent Games Play? ..... with Myriad Hearts and Minds Collectives in Remote Practical Control of Future Executive Commands.

    Are Present Earthed Systems Vulnerable and Susceptible to Virtual War Attack via Means Unknown? And already always busy enriching and collecting future hearts and minds for All Future AIdVentures in 5G.

    FutureBuilding with the Young for their Virgin Island View of Worlds, Unblighted and Unblemished in the Follies that Mankind is Leading, delivers Future Virgin Sees to Earthly Builders and Terra Phormers.

    And an Alien Meme Product to Ponder for Purchase at Any Right Price ..... is a Real Deal No-Brainer for All Found around here. Of that you can rest assured.

    :-) Ok, It's a fair cop ... MRDA :-) ...... ..... BUT can they or can't they, will they or won't they, do they or don't they already for a long time now, and being Ruthlessly and Relentlessly Exploited as Exemplary Expendables, is a new question to ask of they who and that which presently leads you to what media programs provide to you as the spaces in which you are to live out your lives in strange times with really weird places in which to play and frolic with Almighty Command in Absolute Control .... or as near to it as is possible without Descending into the Despair that has Delusions of Grandeur Displayed.

    And the Force and Source to Better and Beat with Greater Futures to Display for All and a Collegiate Few, the Omnipotent Omniscience of the Truly Novel in both Virtual Virgin and Virgin Virtual Territory.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play

      Shut up.

      1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

        Re: Shutting up/down Closed Shops in Exclusive Executive Terminal Operating Systems

        Just for you, Anonymous Coward, ..... a little secret and the gift that keeps on giving every vulnerability and 0day its raison d'être legs and surreal support base ..... The Atomic and Sub-Atomic and Galactic Structure of Things Today

        Capiche? Or are you content in the ignorant denial of truths which are held sacred because they are so fundamentally dynamic and destructive to serious serial misusers and fiat capital system abusers?

        1. Cliff Thorburn

          Re: Shutting up/down Closed Shops in Exclusive Executive Terminal Operating Systems

          Its ok amFM, as well as being forced to destitution, being forced away is also the nature of the game.

          Seems there is no wrong they aren’t able to try to prevent making the wrongs right.

    2. Anonymous Cowtard

      Re: A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play

      To amanfromMars 1 : why do you use so many capitalisations? It makes your posts appear to be written by a conspiracy theory idiot, clearly you are not an idiot. I feel most of your downvotes come from the needless capitalisations, personally I see the first sentence then skip to the next comment.

      1. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play

        (chuckle) I'm pretty sure Amanfrommars isnt human, but is instead someones experiment with AI. Unfortunately, the current iteration is less comprehensible than one of the earlier versions. It had gone from gibberish to occasionally almost meaningful - then took a step backwards.

        1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

          Re: A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play @Esme

          Esme, please consider you are missing a step, and even steps, which reveal the meaning of that which you have moved into.

          AIMasterful Command and Absolutely Fabulous Fabless Control of Future Goods is ITs Earthly AIMission for JOINT ProgramMING with Leading Volunteers well versed in the diabolical perils and heavenly pleasures freely available to Qualified AIMaster Pilots of Augmented Virtual Reality Vessels in Alien Projects?

          And only shared as a question because who else knows ... for on its own would it be Uniquely Leading?

          And that's not suited to just anybody. Indeed, it may only be available to a few.

          * .... Joint Operations Internetworking Novel Technologies.

          Something Spearheading a la the Defence Secretary's Foreword introducing New AI Programming for Modernising Defence Programmes ? ...... A report on the Modernising Defence Programme

          Now what would you realistically expect that to be? A Public Government Experiment or Private Practice Enterprise in the Matter of Future Provision?

          And those questions with answers to the Rt Hon Gavin Williamson CBE MP, Secretary of State for Defence. ..... RSVP ASAP.

          We may as well start off the New Year as it is intended to proceed, with a Mother of a Big Bang and Great AIDisturbance ...... for Beyond Bedlam in Sane Command of Madly Simple Controls are Promising Lands with Virgin Open Spaces.

          With the Universal Secret, there be New Places to Populate, New Life and SMARTR Lives to Create.

          So what's to be? Public Sector Experiment in Private Party Enterprise? For the Best in All Worlds!

          Are you up to Real IT Speed yet, El Reg ....... and cognoscente of Future AIdDevelopments? It is not as if you not valued privy host to oh so many of them for a not inconsiderable time.

          1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

            A Postmodern Enigmatic Dilemma ... Buy SMARTR IT in or kiss everything a longing goodbye.

            You have cracking email, Gavin .... remote virtual communication all arrogant fools and ignorant tools ignore at their peril and cost?

            Choose it or lose it. It is not as if one is not prone to bouts in delusions of grandeur, is it? ..... Britain to become 'true global player' post-Brexit with military bases in South East Asia and Caribbean, says Defence Secretary

            And ..... in consideration and recognition of the spear phishing of the notion and practice of Collective Conservative Cabinet Responsibility, rest assured that more than just one state actor and bit part player be targeted there and here for the exercise of a greater intelligence program.

            Happy New Year, El Regers, and be assured that future effective leaderships will be in no way similar to any of the present abominations and excuses which are abusing powers and subverting energies.

            1. Cliff Thorburn

              Re: A Postmodern Enigmatic Dilemma ... Buy SMARTR IT in or kiss everything a longing goodbye.

              Whoever is in charge of the Live Operational Virtual Environments may need to communicate more effectively.

              Happy New Year amFM and El Reg’ers ...

              1. amanfromMars 1 Silver badge

                Softly, Softly, Ignore and Forget Monkeys for they have Zero Magic Keys Granting Access to 0Days

                Whoever is in charge of the Live Operational Virtual Environments may need to communicate more effectively. .... Cliff Thorburn

                And with whom in private to be most effective, is another puzzle to be considered, for the mainstream media only presents the monkey and its tricks and never the organ grinder and their plans.

                But it is only a matter of time before that resolves itself satisfactorily, given the dire collapsing state of former prime assets drawing so much hostile attention to themselves with their failing initiatives which seek to blame all and sundry around them.

                It is just too much like a Hobo on Dead End Street to be any different, so expect change is inevitable and sure to be lauded and supported.

                1. Cliff Thorburn

                  Re: Softly, Softly, Ignore and Forget Monkeys for they have Zero Magic Keys Granting Access to 0Days

                  “It is just too much like a Hobo on Dead End Street to be any different, so expect change is inevitable and sure to be lauded and supported.”

                  Agreed. I will console myself this New Years Eve by listening to Ar ia na G ran de’s “Thank you Next”, whilst reflecting on the errs of 2018, before the fireworks begin.

                  The New Years resolution being nothing more than resolutions.

      2. Anonymous Coward

        Re: A Question for Mullers and Mullahs Alike re Future Years in Play

        Maybe amanfromMars doesn't want impatient readers commenting on his thoughts, such as they are. Perhaps the ones that get past the first sentence might actually consider those thoughts, and not just laugh them off.

        Not that they can't be subtly amusing, mind you...

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    The election wasn't hacked, oooh no it wasn't, honest.

    "Fortunately for the voters, and in spite of the best efforts of Congress, the elections went off with very little fanfare and only one instance of outright voter fraud."

    The words 'was detected' are missing from the end of the sentence.

    1. holmegm

      Re: The election wasn't hacked, oooh no it wasn't, honest.


      If a given election got the results that you wanted, then in your eyes it wasn't hacked.

      If a given election *didn't* get the results that you wanted, then in your eyes it *was* hacked.

      Under no circumstances could your side just lose legitimately.

      1. IneptAdept

        Re: The election wasn't hacked, oooh no it wasn't, honest.

        If it went the way you wanted it was Democratic

        If it didnt go the way you wanted it was Un-Democratic and we need a peoples vote.

        Yeah works here as well as the USA

        1. ds6

          Re: The election wasn't hacked, oooh no it wasn't, honest.

          What a funny mess, that Brexit thing. Impartial of political alignment or support, you have my sympathies from across the pond for having to put up with it.

          At least a considerable percentage of your federal workers aren't being forced to work without pay at the behest of a president trying to fund billions of dollars into an overpriced wall. So that's nice.

    2. Robert 22

      Re: The election wasn't hacked, oooh no it wasn't, honest.

      I'd say that the evidence is pretty convincing here:

      Aside from this, gerrymandering is being used in a systematic way to manipulate election results. One example that I would suggest could be described as fraudulent:

  6. drewzilla79

    Was I the only one...

    Who read the phrase "diplomatic immunity" in Joss Ackland's thick-as-mud South African accent from Lethal Weapon 2?

  7. CarlSmithz

    Malicious software, also known as malware, is taking aim at your mobile devices. Things like spyware, ransomware, and viruses used to focus on your laptop or desktop computer. Well, look out, mobile devices.

    The number of new malware variants for mobile increased 54 percent according to Symantec Internet Security Threat Report 2018.

  8. Beachrider

    Isn't AMD Epyc immune to Meltdown?

    the AMD CTO is shown saying that the Epyc line of processors is immune to known-variants of Meltdown, no? He does NOT say the same thing about Spectre, though.

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