Actual news?
Perhaps the reason for the red faces is that the hackers did what the news org is supposed to be doing - easily, and at low cost. It's been a long time since I've seen any decent investigative reporting, it stopped sometime around when the news became a profit center and was most easily produced by relaying press releases (free) leaks from "unidentified but trust us, high level" sources (free and half made up), and government diktat (Mockingbird, also free).
You can see why no one wants to do it anymore - you can get paid to repeat plenty of juicy stuff free, and if you tell truth that contradicts the narrative - you wind up stuck in a cold country or some embassy.
This, for example, they didn't even attempt to hide:
Shortly before the NDAA made it legal for government to lie - and force the press to join them...
I'm not an expert but I believe the UK was actually leading the way there (but US and OZ do fine too), though they seem to have lost their touch creating believable narratives of late...
There's quite a lot more in the public domain....maybe where Mr Snowden and Assange messed up is by not just using that - it's plenty damning enough.
The internet - "and we'd have gotten away with it except for you pesky kids".
But they did and do get away with it - as long as they have the use of force and can take out the obvious leaders easily without ruffling too many feathers. Which is why all the surveillance - find those guys and nip things in the bud while it's just that odd guy living down the road, well before the need for force becomes obvious and creates pushback.