Not IT related, but still funny.
I am posting this anon because the lady in question may read this site & I'd like not to get my ass kicked. =-)p
I was working at a temp agency assigned to a small office in a strip mall, tasked to do data entry for hours at a time. Boring, tedious, mind numbing, but it paid the bills.
One day it's getting close to lunch, the office is right next door to a grocery store with a deli, so we all decide to head over to buy our lunches. I get a sandwhich, a granola bar, & a passion fruit flavored Bawls energy drink. Back to the office, into the break room, munch munch munch. One of the ladies notices my energy drink, says she likes passion fruit, but has never had it from that particular brand. She points a finger to my drink & asks in a total deadpan "Can I taste your Bawls?"
The room went utterly silent, she realized what she had just said, & suddenly turned SUCH a bright shade of red that I was afraid she'd die from lack of blood to the brain. I turned a pretty shade of pink around the ears (I thought she was attractive but didn't dare say so), coughed to cover my initial comment, then simply handed her my drink. She turned it down, left the room at a run, & hid in the bathroom for over an hour.
Double entendres can be SO much fun! =-D