In conjunction with FooCrypt’s Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security, Case Study [ 897316929176464ebc9ad085f31e7284 ] submission on the Telecommunication and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 [ https://pjcis.foocrypt.net ]
FooCrypt,0.0.1,Core has been released with a Demonstration Expiration date of 20190131235959, to enable all encryption users to download / try / buy before the impending legislative changes are brought into effect.
Be Protected, Get ….…..
The FooKey METHOD :
The common flaws in ALL encryption technologies to date are :
1. Typing on a KeyBoard to enter the password
2. Clicking on the Mouse / Pointer device that controls the location of the cursor
3. Some person or device looking / recording your screen as you type the password
4. The human developing a password that is easily guess, or can be brute forced due to its length
5. Sharing the password with a third party to decrypt the data
6. Storing the encrypted data in a secure location so no unauthorised access can be made to either the key(s) to decrypt the data or the encrypted data itself
FooCrypt, A Tale Of Cynical Cyclical Encryption, takes away the ‘BAD GUYS’ by providing you with software engineered to alleviate all the above.