Re: Some twat
"the same disconnect here between the writers of this publication and its audience"
Well, its audience that likes to comment, perhaps. The number of people who comment on articles is a small percentage of our overall readership. That's not to say we don't appreciate comment posters - we really really do, otherwise we'd just turn comments off - however, they are a vocal subset of overall readers.
I'm confident from earlier reader surveys, and feedback outside the comments, that there is interest among Reg visitors in fostering diversity and inclusion and civility in the tech world. In fact, I have a feeling people are put off commenting positively on the matter because of the strong feelings from a vocal minority who are against CoCs and equal opportunities in hiring. Essentially, if it seems nearly everyone posting comments is against CoCs and diversity, why bother contributing to the discussion?
"the writers utterly despise gamers and seem hell-bent on telling them how fucking awful they are"
I really don't think that was the case - why would you wake up in the morning to write for an audience you hate? sure there are bitter hacks out there, but an entire industry of hateful scribes? - and anyway it's not the case here. The whole point of El Reg is to share info and be useful to its readership in its own unique way. I fucking love our readers, and I think you're jumping to rather unfair conclusions.
Let me give you two personal anecdotes. First, even I've been accused of breaking a CoC and I'm still in favor of them because, on the whole, they are a good idea. They draw a line in the sand that says if you want to participate as a team member, you have to follow the team's rules. And those rules are basically: don't be an arsehole to others. CoCs were introduced because discrimination and harassment was, in some eyes, getting out of hand - and house rules needed to be set down.
And sure, people say it's hard to define exactly what is "being an asshole", however, I don't know if you've been keeping up with current events, but the laws of the land are similarly loosely defined. There are certain things that are fixed - such as the maximum blood-alcohol level allowed for drivers - but quite a lot isn't. Defamatory statements, threatening behavior, disorderly conduct in public, assault, etc, are all kinda up to society and judges and cops to weigh up. It's not so radical to see this in CoCs. If you're unhappy with this language in CoCs, presumably you're just as fired up when folks suffer injustice at the hands of poorly applied laws.
In my case, a particular CoC forbids people from using sexualized language on and offline in and around an event. It's there to stop sex pests from being creepy to others, especially women. I happened to have written some of El Reg's racy headlines that had sex puns in them - we're sex positive, after all. Someone tried to claim I was breaking the CoC with my own sex-based headlines. In the end, the accusations were considered and dismissed. The event went on as normal. I still have a job. My career is not ruined.
Secondly, I bailed out of the world of electronic engineering for journalism for a couple of reasons. One, at 25, journalism looked a lot more exciting than debugging embedded systems. Back then, I had no patience or ability to focus on long-term projects, and 10 years on, I think I could probably manage it.
The other thing was that I didn't want to work in an industry that was 99% blokes with the same interests and same backgrounds. It's not that I wanted to meet women at work; I just wanted to work around different people every day.
So anyway, my point is: El Reg doesn't hate its readers (that's so ridiculous), we see the problems with some CoCs but on the whole, think they're pointing in the right direction, and we appreciate diverse work forces and the mix of backgrounds and insight they bring. That includes us, too. We used to be very white British and blokey, then we started to tip the balance to 50-50 men and women - and it made us better. Some of our rudest and sarcastic headlines are written by a woman.
If this is freaking you out, don't lash out at the things you like. Think about why you're upset. It's on you.