back to article IT Wi-Fi kit bit by TI chip slip: Wireless gateways open to hijacking via BleedingBit chipset vuln

On Thursday, network equipment makers Aruba, Cisco, and Cisco-owned Meraki plan to patch two flaws in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) chips made by Texas Instruments (TI) that power their respective enterprise Wi-Fi access points. The coordinated disclosure, prompted by security biz Armis' discovery of two critical vulnerabilities …

  1. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    OK, just patch them and we can all go back to sleep ... there's no way there could be any more vulnerabilities is there? This is the world that we've created after all.

  2. sanmigueelbeer

    the BLE feature is disabled by default on the potentially affected Aironet devices.

    That's because one must have a Cisco BLE Cloud account for the BLE to enabled.

  3. arthoss

    Now talking as a noob in hacking (I do business software, but there seems to be a business side to hacking too), why is there no self developing vulnerability finding software (KI - artificial intelligence - I use the German word for it because it’s cooler)?

  4. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

    Do kit get fully tested before being released? Doesn't seem to be the case.

    1. sanmigueelbeer

      Do kit get fully tested before being released?

      A few years ago, Cisco stopped the employment of their dedicated testers (in order to "boost" their profit). Everyone is doing it.

      The new "testers" and the people who PAID to buy the kit.

      This is now the new norm.

      1. CrazyOldCatMan Silver badge

        The new "testers" and the people who PAID to buy the kit.

        And (given that this vulnerability is in a 3rd-party component embedded into the AP) there seems to be a whimsical belief that other suppliers selling kit have also done their research and testing..

        Which is (quite clearly) wrong.

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