3.11375 kiloNorrises of force
More seriously, great work from NASA
NASA engineers have launched a gigantic parachute as big as a house at record speed to prepare for its Mars 2020 mission. The object, dubbed ASPIRE (Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research Experiments), unfolded from a small cylinder to a massive parachute, weighing over 80 kilograms (180 pounds), in just four-tenths …
Good news w Venus is the atmosphere is crazy already one can burn petroleum like its the 80's! CO2?
No worries, the atmosphere is something like 96.5pct CO2. 150ppm sulfur dioxide. Sulfuric acid clouds. Kind of like the rust belt town I grew up in, just slightly more badass.
Now if we can somehow do nuke-powered carbon sinks... one wonders...
If we deployed a large sunshade near Venus, large enough to put the whole planet into shadow, the planet would start to cool and begin absorbing CO2 by chemical weathering. After some millions years, maybe even Earth-like tectonics may begin. Teraforming Venus is definitely a long-term project.
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They're relying on stitching bits of woven thread together 5000 years after the technique was invented - what's good enough for an Trojan warrior's skirt appears still good enough for a supersonic, inter-planetary lander's parachute. However I admit techniques and materials have probably been refined over the years ... I don't believe "Artemis, what do you think of my latest fully over-locked, carbon-Kevlar defensive battle kilt?" would have been an example of usage in a Trojan dictionary. :-)
If you watch the video carefully, in the multi-screen view, you can see that the 'chute as a rip!
The multi-screen view shows the tests from the 1970s.
They are not rips, they are holes to let air pass through. If you don't the force would be too great and the parachute would billow or rip. You still need air to flow through the parachute for it to keep its form, otherwise the drag coefficient is reduced as air compresses in the canopy, and more air will just divert around this area rather than going through the parachute. Its far more complicated than this in reality.
Official Range Safety Certified, Gov't issue ... flip flops?
Having worked on similar ranges and dealing with the Range Safety mafia I salute our hero's refusal to wear the fully enclosed, steel toed, multi-kilogram, nearly non-removable foot anchors that are required - even at sea state zero in Virginia heat and humidity.
I might recommend a trip to a nearby West Marine store for a decent pair of boat shoes though.
Try wearing your PPE in many places,
I work in a place called Groute Ilund,
Day time temps exceed 38. c 85-95 percent humidity
night time gets down to a cool 32. c humidity stays about same,
and there's hotter places over west.
come to Oz and fry your nuts in your pants!
Please note that the proper scientific unit of volume / size s [one] London double-decker bus. Should volume (?) exceed 1 DD, please stack them accordingly to achieve expected wow-splash factor of 2 DD/1.3 OSSP (2 you-know-whats dropped into a 1.3 olympic-sized swimming pools).
What d'you mean, "What height", how should I know?! I suppose sufficient height to reach the terminal speed two ducks would achieve when thrown overboard from the abovementioned bus travelling at the speed of 785 DD at an altitude of 20M BG (beer glasses) stacked on top of each other! Roughly.