back to article PC version of Linux 4.19 lands with PC version of Linus Torvalds: Kernel handed back to creator

Woke Linus Torvalds has returned from a four-week exile to once again steer the Linux kernel, the widely used software project he founded nearly 30 years ago. The American-Finnish ex-firebrand programmer is back as its official custodian, according to temporary lead Greg Kroah-Hartman in an announcement for version 4.19 of the …

  1. Snow Wombat
    Black Helicopters

    Anyone wanna take bets?

    We need to start a betting pool, as to how long it will take for the Rainbow hairs, to use that CoC to force him out, and insert one of their own into the leadership.

    I give it 3 months.

    1. Mark 85

      Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

      I give it 3 months.

      That long? I give a month before his next tirade and the developers, programmers, whatever rise up. As for the "forcing out".. that's questionable.

      1. bombastic bob Silver badge

        Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

        So, I have to wonder WHY they would WANT to force Linus out.

        Right now, Linus stands in the way of the *kinds* of things many of us hate showing up in the kernel.

        I have to wonder if the likes of GPLv3, Gnome 3, Pulse Audio, SystemD, DBus, HalD, etc. would infect the kernel as well as userland, if Linus were not there to prevent it.

        So if there ARE rainbow-haired 'identity politics' SJW crowd card-carrying members out there just SALIVATING at the opportunity to take down Linus, it might be to do ACTUAL HARM to the Linux kernel by ALLOWING things like those I mentioned above to INFECT the Linux kernel, to the point where EVERYONE will be forced to embrace it, or switch to FreeBSD

        (see icon)

        and WHO would want to harm Linux?

        1. sabroni Silver badge

          Re: and WHO would want to harm Linux?

          Oh, it's the "rainbow hairs" apparently. You know, those fuckwits who think everyone deserves to be treated as equals.

          You're supposed to be clever. If you can't work out who benefits from division then maybe you shouldn't be so quick to get on their team.

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

          > So if there ARE rainbow-haired 'identity politics' SJW crowd card-carrying members out there just SALIVATING at the opportunity to take down Linus, it might be to do ACTUAL HARM to the Linux kernel

          Do you really think they care about that? My impression is that they care about twitter "victories" before finding a new target they can focus their outrage at. So if Linux hypothetically failed it just gives them a new opportunity to complain.

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

        "I give a month before his next tirade"

        Really? They seem to be few and far apart in reality. Otherwise they wouldn't be reported on a news site because they wouldn't be newsworthy.

    2. jake Silver badge

      Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

      Lose the "Rainbow Hair" comments. They make the collective you sound like fucking idiots.

      1. Gordon 10 Silver badge
        Thumb Up

        Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

        I find myself slightly disturbed to be agreeing with Jake ;)

        Anyone who uses the phrase Rainbow Hair or SJW deliberately and with full knowledge of the derogatory meanings pretty much labels themselves as either grossly ignorant or part of the Alt-right and part of the problem. Especially since said label has SFA to do with Linus' sabbatical.

        There is nothing wrong with giving a little bit of room and thought to people who act/behave/are a little different to you, it doesn't take anything away from your own identity, and it *might* just make the world of difference to someone who has had to fight for recognition and tolerance for a big chunk of their life.

        TL;DR. Engage brain/chose words before posting.

        1. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

          > There is nothing wrong with giving a little bit of room and thought to people who act/behave/are a little different to you

          Yet that, somehow, didn't apply to Linus.

        2. holmegm

          Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

          "Anyone who uses the phrase Rainbow Hair or SJW deliberately and with full knowledge of the derogatory meanings pretty much labels themselves as either grossly ignorant or part of the Alt-right and part of the problem."

          Seriously? Using the term "SJW" makes you part of "the alt right", in your mind?

          The pot calling the kettle black.

          "There is nothing wrong with giving a little bit of room and thought to people who act/behave/are a little different to you,"

          Unless, of course, they use the term "SJW". *That* difference, we will not tolerate.

          1. Anonymous Coward
            Anonymous Coward

            Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

            "No matter your words, please, don't forget to hate everyone equally." - SJW *

            "Of course I'm not better than you, you're just not as good as me." - SJW **

            * Facebook

            ** Twitter

      2. Michael Habel

        Re: Anyone wanna take bets?

        I thought we were calling those ~Individualy unique Humans~ NPC's now?

  2. Teiwaz

    We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

    Just maybe a little less with the "SHUT THE F**K UP" "and WHAT THE F*CK IS GOING ON?"

    Take a look at todays newspaper headlines or BBC News and tell me, that the we don't need more of the above sentiment and not less....

    Plastic Food, plastic people, plastic personalities...a return to the arms races and 95% May...

    1. sabroni Silver badge

      Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

      Directing that sentiment at those running the world isn't quite the same thing as directing it at people trying to contribute to your open source project though, is it?

      1. wolfetone Silver badge

        Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

        "Directing that sentiment at those running the world isn't quite the same thing as directing it at people trying to contribute to your open source project though, is it?"

        True, but it's not like Linus didn't give those clowns a bollocking for no reason. They'd screw up, and wouldn't accept they screwed up, he was right to tell them to fuck off.

      2. Anonymous Coward
        Anonymous Coward

        Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

        "Directing that sentiment at those running the world isn't quite the same thing..."

        I think the underlying point of STFU is that no matter who you are or where you are, sometimes you still need to STFU.

        STFU needs its rights defended too. STFU needs a movement parade where someone on a microphone starts blabbing shit and the entire crowd screams STFU!

        1. Robert Helpmann??

          Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

          STFU needs a movement parade where someone on a microphone starts blabbing shit and the entire crowd screams STFU!

          This is an excellent template for political rallies! Brilliant idea! Have a virtual reward. ==>>>

          1. Michael Habel

            Re: We're yaall maybe going the wrong way guys.

            I think this should be used at the next Remoaner March. It must be hard execpting that your side lost.

    2. oiseau

      Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.


      Take a look at todays newspaper headlines or BBC News and tell me, that the we don't need more of the above sentiment and not less ...

      A case of stout for you, my friend.


    3. Michael Habel

      Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

      ... And, orange man bad...

      1. Michael Habel

        Re: We're all maybe going the wrong way guys.

        1 Down Vote (On an anti-coment about President Trump, no less)...

        A) Thanks for proving the Meme, and

        B) Syntax error Orange man isn't bad?!

  3. razorfishsl

    Until the kernel starts getting the left wing Vocabulary of the NPC's

    Slave & Maser is out, I guess that means a complete re-write of the I2C buss spec then.

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge

      "Slave & Maser is out, I guess that means a complete re-write of the I2C buss spec then."

      Masers on stun? [ok obviously dropped the 't' but I had to poke a little fun, heh]

    2. Chronos

      ObNitpick: Would that not be SPI? I²C is serial clock and data.

  4. Destroy All Monsters Silver badge

    God protect us from machinations of small-minded morality dictators.

    "By providing a document in the kernel source tree that shows that all people, developers and maintainers alike, will be treated with respect and dignity while working together, we help to create a more welcome community to those newcomers, which our very future depends on if we all wish to see this project succeed at its goals."

    I thought this kind of attitude should be something that comes from actual, real-world, messy and sometimes kick-your-ass personal interactions, not from some kind of text that emanates mystery rays of pink pony goodness just because it's there.

    But magical thinking is Big nowadays where people whose brain is natively wired to indulge in this are wielding a whip.

    Reminder that Coraline Ada Ehmke started off by opening a Github issue to demand that a guy get kicked off a project that xe (i.e. Ada) had apparently not much to do with.

    1. Tom Paine

      Re: God protect us from machinations of small-minded morality dictators.

      Oh god, does this really need explaining in 2018?

      If you haven't got some rules written down. you can't fire someone or block them from access without the risk of putting yourself inline for a law suit - depending on which country they and you are in. How many FLOSS projects rub their hands with glee at the thought of months with lawyers?

      Welcome to the 1990s, enjoy your stay.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    One can be uncompromising without being abusive. It is possible to be authoritarian while being of exquisite politeness at all times.

    The drill sergeant abuse is meant to break the individualism of rebellious adolescent males, and I don't think this is necessary (or even desirable) in the context of kernel developers: You're not turning young uneducated hotheads into obedient fighting machines, you manage highly skilled and intelligent professionals towards a common goal. Just my 2 cents worth.

    1. Mark 85

      The problem with managing those kinds of folks is that many (most perhaps) think they are primadonnas and thus need "special" treatment. I've worked with more than a few of them and occasionally a proper dressing down is needed to get them to pull their head out of their nether regions and deal with reality. A good example: A developer had one of the few 24" high resolution monitors in a company of around 5,000 (call centers, claim processors, etc.) so he hard coded his application for that monitor. He didn't want to change it and insisted that all employees be given the same equipment as he. Took me and his boss and some rather colorful language to get the point across that the average user had a 16" low resolution monitor and could only see part of his app's display. He did end up being one of our better developers after that.

      1. jake Silver badge

        "The problem with managing those kinds of folks is that many (most perhaps) think they are primadonnas"

        No, Mark. Only a very few folks are like that. The rest are a typical cross section of the rest of humanity. You may even know a dev and not be aware of it. For example, my brother-in-law has been contributing to various flavo(u)rs of BSD for nearly as long as I have. I've known him for over two decades. It was only last year that we discovered we were both kernel devs ... The subject had quite simply never come up.

        The primadonnas are the proverbial bad apples ...

        1. This post has been deleted by its author

        2. Anonymous Coward
          Anonymous Coward

          > Only a very few folks are like that

          I wish. Perhaps it's just they've accumulated in the large corporation where I work, but in my experience, they're rampant.

          Just getting someone to adhere to the Java formatting standard so you can read, understand, and review their code is moving-the-pyramids time. Sure, I can read code with random indentation, mysterious brace placement, etc. but it's going to take a lot longer than I actually have time, for I need to get back to writing my own code as well.

          God help you if you're trying to get them to respond to the recommendations in the actual code review. Just getting a string corrected so it's grammatically correct is almost impossible.

          Apparently I'm oppressing people when I ask that their code be correct.

          1. jake Silver badge

            AC, comparing b0rken corporate culture with a FOSS project the size and scope of the Linux Kernel is like comparing a hacksaw and a Bridgeport CNC ...

          2. Tom Paine

            Really? You pushed back some code, politely pointing out that it didn't meet the company's documented code standards and conventions, and you dragged to HR and accused for oppressing people?

            Are you quite, quite certain that's what happened?

        3. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

          "The primadonnas are the proverbial bad apples"

          They also seem to have been the ones on the receiving end of Linus's .... shall we say castigation?

      2. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

        "He didn't want to change it and insisted that all employees be given the same equipment as he."

        An alternative route would have been to taken the nub of his advice - everyone has the same sort of monitor - and take the low cost implementation.

    2. This post has been deleted by its author

    3. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      "The drill sergeant abuse is meant to break the individualism of rebellious adolescent males, and I don't think this is necessary (or even desirable) in the context of [..] developers:"

      Not known many devs have you? :)

    4. bombastic bob Silver badge

      The (future lack of) drill sergeant 'abuse'

      and now I'm reminded of that "Sarcasta-ball" episode of 'South Park'

      Wimpification and emasculation at its finest!

      /me points out that if I scream 'misandrony' I'll be looked at as one of those who sold out to the concept, 'cause it ain't manly to say 'misandrony'.

      "The drill sergeant abuse is meant to break the individualism of rebellious adolescent males"

      Actually that's not true at all. It's to ASSERT AUTHORITY in order to form a cohesive unit. Boot camp isn't about doing what you're told every step of the way. Soldiers aren't robots, and they don't run programs. It's about POSITIVE MOTIVATION. It's about the soldier being positively motivated enough to act correctly on his own, without the need of a drill sergeant breathing down his neck saying "WHAT is your MAJOR MALFUNCTION, NUMB-NUTS?" every time he goes outside the lines a little.

      If you haven't actually BEEN in the military, you don't get it. If you have, you'll probably understand what I mean here. It's not a 'control' thing.

      A really simplified explanation would be that the human mind remembers things by association. Certain associations, including humiliation and physical pain, carry with them a very STRONG association. The intent is to correct bad behavior early on by asserting authority, and demonstrating consequences in a way that's going to be remembered. And, the more STRONG associations there are with a memory, the more likely you are to remember it [especially if the circumstances are in any way similar to the one that stored the memory in the first place].

      And that's why a DRILL SERGEANT is SO effective!

      1. Cyril

        Re: The (future lack of) drill sergeant 'abuse'

        I have been in the military. My uncle was a US Army Drill Sgt. and breaking you down and building you up is exactly what boot camp is about.

        They have to get rid of civilian habits so you can form one cohesive unit. Just because you don't see something doesn't necessarily mean it not there.

      2. InNY

        Re: The (future lack of) drill sergeant 'abuse'

        "Boot camp isn't about doing what you're told every step of the way"

        Really? Which part of the military did you serve in? The Rainbow Haired Regiment?

        Boot camp is purely about doing what you are told, when you are told and they way you are told to do it. Individualism is just not tolerated, at all.

        It's also about building up stamina, strength and making sure that the team always comes first.

        That's why a good Drill Sergeant is so effective; [s]he breaks you down, tears you apart, then creates a brand new you. A you who follows orders, even to your own death, without question or hesitation.

    5. Doctor Syntax Silver badge

      "you manage highly skilled and intelligent professionals towards a common goal"

      I think Linus would dispute the "highly skilled and intelligent professionals" or maybe the "common goal" in those circumstances where he's given off. And you tell me just what management tools he has at his disposal.

      1. Fatman

        Management """Tools"""

        <quote>And you tell me just what management tools he has at his disposal.</quote>

        IF it is like a former mangler I had to endure, those tools are:

        1) a big mouth, and

        2) steel toed work boots.

        If the use of tool #1 doesn't achieve the desired result, then judicious use of tool #2 to your ass usually does.

  6. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    "You need to manage that anger"

    A statement made by provocative people to win arguments they have already lost.

    1. bombastic bob Silver badge

      Re: "You need to manage that anger"

      Those who are wishy-washy and spineless and deliberately use 'feel' instead of 'think' (in my opinion) have a propensity towards seeing "passion + confidence" as "anger".

      Using 'feel' because it's less assertive, or potentially offensive to poor widdle snowflakes, because CONFIDENCE 'offends' people (read: those who have self-esteem issues), is an example of what I mean here.

      If you have CONFIDENCE in what you believe, and PASSION for getting things done correctly (etc.), those who are wishy-washy and/or the 'feel instead of think' types, are likely to *FEEL* as if you are *MAD* at them, even though what you REALLY want is for them to USE THAT BONE-COVERED MUSHY THING THAT IS LOCATED 3 FEET ABOVE THEIR ASSES instead of doing something 'bone-headed'.

      I'd say that majority of Linus' infamous profanity-filled rants reflect the *kinds* of frustration from "feelies" (and those who don't use their brains) that I just described.

      Perhaps Linus will need to start saying something like: "So 'pretty please'. With sugar on it. FIX THE [insert Linus worthy profanities] PROBLEM!!!"

      (I borrowed that from 'Pulp Fiction', yeah - similar context)

      My favorite Linus rant was THIS one.

  7. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Much prefer the previous code.

    Given how good and robust Linux is, the old code certainly seems to have worked well.

    This new marketting-drivel will only lead to much more frustration.

    Strength so often comes from conflict and struggle. Weakness often comes from being comfortable.

  8. E 2


    It will be a test the first time he rejects a pull request for crap code quality and some snowflake complains Linus is being mean. Hopefully Linus has learned how to to say "No" firmly but more diplomatically?

    Jesus Christ. I'm tapping this out on my PC and trying to find a delicate word for "not swearing at people". The reign of terror has already begun it seems.

    1. jake Silver badge

      Re: Systemd

      On the other hand, how many systemd lead developers are allowed to code for the kernel? Some folks can't find their own asshole with a handfull of fishhooks, not even after a good bollocking, Good fucking riddance.

      1. Someone Else Silver badge

        Re: Systemd

        Jeez, Jake! How many new metaphors can you stuff into a post anyway?

        1. jake Silver badge

          Re: Systemd

          Metaphors? In that particular post? I must admit, you have me at a loss. I see no metaphors.

  9. Hstubbe

    So how many lines of code have all the obligatory commentards who denounce this code of conduct actually contributed? And how does that compare to the number of lines that Linus, Greg and the other maintainers behind this coc have contributed? I'm inclined to think that if the kernel maintainers deem it necessary to curtail abusive behaviour, that they have good reason to do so.

    1. Paul Crawford Silver badge

      I think many (but not all) of the commentards are happy with the ideal of a CoC to stop abusive behaviour. The issue really comes down to what is "abusive" and what is simply getting stuff done in the face of those with an over-inflated opinion of their own status.

      In the case of Linus has has not, to my knowledge, ever attacked someone using racially, sexually or personally derogatory means. What he often does is point out in rather uncompromising terms when people have done something wrong and refused to acknowledge or correct the issue.

      1. jake Silver badge

        As a guy who has been contributing to the kernel on and off for nearly a quarter century[0], Paul has it pretty much correct. Essentially, the only folks bitching about Linus getting sweary HAVE NOT been subject to the swearing. In other words, they are upset on behalf of other folks[1]. And most of the time, the other folks have actually (finally) admitted their error, (finally) fixed it, and the rest of us mutter "about time, bone head!" and life continues. The swearing is a last resort.

        And no, it has never made me feel intimidated about contributing to the kernel. Why not? Simple. Because when it is pointed out that I made a mistake, I fix it without bitching about it, that's why. It's really not a big deal. Unless the developer in question chooses to make it a big deal, that is. In other words, said developer doesn't play well with others, and insists on doing it his/her way.

        Frankly I'm surprised that Linus has been as tolerant as he has been all these years ... If it was my name attached to the project, I'd have really lit into a few of the idiots ... And you commentards who haven't actually spent any time contributing to the kernel, your opinions on the subject are worthless. Come back after you've walked a few miles in my moccasins and I might find your commentardary on the subject worth listening to.

        [0] Edit: I just checked my records and it's actually just a hair over a quarter century. Time flies when you're having fun!

        [1] Which is a cardinal sin as far as I'm concerned ... As an adult, I don't need or want anybody else being upset on my behalf, thank you very much.

  10. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Oh dear, our world is like the superb Orville episode "Majority Rule" and if you don't conform it's a lobotomy for you, perhaps that what happened to Linus ?

    Can't wait for the Orville to return in December, brilliant.

  11. Wobbly World

    Show Respect...

    Try to keep in mind the immortal-words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other." Ye man Show Respect.!!!

    0oop's what's that smell is it a Penguin farting or roasting on a slowly turning spit Dh0ooo!!

    Observe this glorious thing here says Linus Torvalds who has returned to whom he served, and would have them to serve. Linus has long borne with idolatry, but the times of this ignorance are now ending, and by his servants he now commanded all men every where to repent of their idolatry. Each sect of the learned men would feel themselves powerfully affected by Linus Torvalds discourse, which tended to show the emptiness or falsity of their doctrines!!!

    Welcome to the 21st century “New Speak”. . .

    War is peace!!. . .

    Freedom is Slavery!!. . .

    Ignorance is Strength!!. . .

    Rules are meant to be broken!!. . In the nicest of ways of course!!!

  12. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    Rainbow hair

    Those "rainbow hair" whinges (surely deliberately) contravene the new policy and therefore rule out the relevant commentards from contributing to the kernel. Thank goodness for that, I may even start contributing myself, now.

    But I do agree, Gnome 3, Pulse Audio and SystemD are all shit (nothing personal, guys!) and are all banned from my house. (I haven't had the pleasure of meeting the other ingredients described)

  13. Jeff 11

    It's a crying shame that the no-nonsense emphasis of the code of conflict didn't make it into the code of conduct. The expectation of what some might feel overzealous reviews was the whole point of weeding out entitled personalities who shouldn't be contributing to the most critical software project in the world. I think LT's rants have done more good than harm, in publicising that poor-quality code and unprofessionalism will get you publicly embarrassed - but ONLY for those things.

    Instead, this catch-all made it in:

    Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:


    - Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

    ...where a committee (or individual) can interpret things how they wish to get rid of controversial people or ones they simply don't like. Things like springs to mind!

  14. packrat


    ID that isn't ID.

    math ed that isn't math ed

    sex labels that don't.

    hope you enjoyed your run Linux;

    as far as I can see you're doomed by internal revolt.


  15. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    Lots of triggers and triggered here ... isn't this fun? Now where's that popcorn ..

  16. sisk

    Four weeks???

    Torvalds is not a nice man. We all know this. Were he not in a meritocracy his behavior would have gotten him fired from most places a dozen times over in the last decade. Fortunately for all of us kernel dev IS a meritocracy. I'm glad he's making the effort to shed his more abusive tendencies. For all that I respect them man for his abilities those tendencies have consistently seemed childish to me.

    But....four weeks?

    You're talking about trying to trigger a major behavioral and personality shift here. That's doable, but usually it requires either months or years of therapy or a major shakeup to the pillars of your life. Unless he's had a life-changing experience four weeks seems way too short a span for him to have truly changed his ways. But I guess we'll see.

    1. Nunyabiznes

      Re: Four weeks???

      Just wondering: What interaction have you personally had with Mr. Torvalds that leads you to the conclusion he is not a nice man?

      I don't know him and haven't had any interaction with him so I wouldn't know one way or the other. All I've seen is what is reported and I can't conflate that to mean he isn't a nice (enough) person who occasionally has verbal outbursts when dealing with obstinate stupidity.

      If you have had interactions with him on a level that have made you conclude he isn't, please share.

  17. Pirate Dave Silver badge

    "By providing a document in the kernel source tree that shows that all people, developers and maintainers alike, will be treated with respect and dignity while working together, we help to create a more welcome community to those newcomers, which our very future depends on if we all wish to see this project succeed at its goals."

    Aw, man, Linux is turning beige... Bummer. I always liked LT's rants, they are some of the more entertaining and colorful aspects of this otherwise boring industry. Time for "safe spaces" and singing Kumbaya.

    1. jake Silver badge

      A brave new world.

      "Time for "safe spaces" and singing Kumbaya."

      Devs get "time outs" instead of being yelled at. They get "do overs" when they break something. Every dev gets a trophy! No dev will be left behind, regardless of coding ability! EVERY DEV IS EQUAL!!!!1!!eleven!!11one!

      Well, you'd have to be brave to trust anything a computer ever does at this rate ... Personally, I prefer a sometimes contentious meritocracy where shit actually works to a homogenized, bland mess that makes the namby-pamby set happy-happy. Soma, anyone?

  18. Wobbly World

    Show Respect-Correction. . .

    There will be corrections to the CoC there always are!!??

    It's gone live!!!

    Beware the “TAB”

    Try to keep in mind the immortal-words of Bill and Ted, "Be excellent to each other."

    Ye Show Respect.!!!?

    0oop's what's that smell is it a Penguin farting or roasting on a slowly turning spit Dh0ooo!!

    Observe this glorious thing here says that God Linus Torvalds who has returned to whom he served, and would have them to serve. Linus has long borne with idolatry, but the times of this ignorance were now ending, and by his servants he now commanded all men every where to repent of their idolatry. Each sect of the learned men would feel themselves powerfully affected by Linus Torvalds discourse, which tended to show the emptiness or falsity of their doctrines!!!

    But sadly no sign of any influence of that other God "Bob Dobbs" Hmmm!!

    Never did like CoC’s far to much “New Speak”. . .

  19. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward

    They should have left a Linus-trigger in the kernal

    Something just a bit daft. As a test.

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