Re: Please try <painful solution that is worse than bug>
"The Galaxy S9 series has a bug where joining a WiFi access point doesn't turn off cellular data. As soon as I join a WiFi network, apps start transferring everything in their queue over their original cellular connection. This phone has changed my data usage from about 600MB/month to 3+ GB/month and it costs extra. It's trivial to reproduce this but Samsung Support can't be bothered to do anything but offer canned useless responses."
Yep, I picked up a used Samsung S9 the other day.
I only paid $60.00 for it but I feel that I was massively overcharged.
Samsung and/or Sprint feels that users shouldn't have control over permissions for the Facebook app and others they decided should be non-removable system apps.
The biggest problem is that the S9 has a locked bootloader so flashing the device with a proper OS such as Lineage is out of the question.
I used to tease iPhone users but not anymore.
I will be trading this POS for an iPhone 6.