Re: Rosetta-a-like is absolutely necessary
@diodesign and all the LoB software that doesn't come through the Store and is currently Intel only?
If you are lucky, the developer is still around and can develop a new version that will work on ARM as well. If you are very lucky they won't charge you for the privelege.
Likewise, what about the key software you need that is no longer maintained / developed and doesn't have a "new", maintained equivalent?
I'm thinking especially about comms software here. At a previous employer, they used a VOIP system that had a special soft client with the call management facilities (who is currently talking, voicemail, chat, call logging, video conference etc.), their Mac software came out 2 years after it was promised, you could use a standad SIP client, but only to make calls, all of the other functionality was missing.
Them getting their fingers out and releasing an ARM version in a short timeframe would be close to zero, I suspect.
So you either have to wait 2 - 3 years after the switch to ARM, before upgrading your hardware or you need a software emulaiton layer a la Rosetta, WoA / WoS, so that legacy software can run, until a new, ARM based version becomes available.
The Store can't just deliver ARM versions, the author has to change their code and recompile for ARM, at the very least. It doesn't happen "automagically".