I'd be pleased actually.
Having had three of these devices, they are actually quite mediocre unreliable devices. The most reliable (which I still have) is the surface pro 1, (i5 version) which was pretty good in it's time, but never excellent, for a device in its technical class, and its 128GB memory is actually quite limiting.
Then I got a surface pro 3 (i7, 512GB, 16GB ram) which was a complete disaster. The screen was magnolia in tint instead of the pure white it should have been and no proper correction was available. By proper, I mean independent of the OS. Then it kept losing its WIFI and I had to reset it almost daily. Then the OS got borked on an update to windows 10, and then when I finally got it working again it slowly lost all its windows store apps, including the start menu, and settings etc. Microsoft didn't have a clue, and all they could suggest (as usual) was "reset" the thing, after which it worked for a day or two and then repeated this bizarre desire to be more like Windows 7. It ended up being some bug caused by the fact that I'd not used a Microsoft account on the wretched thing, just my local account to log into it. Of course they never tested this did they ? The screen however was still magnolia, and correcting this somewhat with the RGB sliders made any connected monitor lilac in colour. It went back, because it was so bad. Of course a replacement in the early days was of course magnolia tinted as well. There was also an episode where they had declared 2 years warranty on the thing and then changed the details to show only 1 year, after I'd bought it. Even evidence in the form of a URL from the "Way-back machine" which had helpfully archived those details, wouldn't convince them, that this was true and they wouldn't honour the two years I thought I'd got. Disgraceful.
Then I got a surface pro 4, from a popular retailer, (i7 256GB, 16 GB Ram) which at first seemed a dream. Until the screen started showing a cloud of horizontal, brighter streaks on the top right, which I'd done nothing to cause, then the power supply failed at the connection, needing wiggling to work, but then failed completely. Both these just out of warranty. 80 pounds for the power supply, and I guess I have to live with the (now) sub par screen, which of course, was initially perfect with no magnolia tint on peak whites at all. So it should be at 1500 pounds.
So, if they stop making these things, then I shall be happy, because then I won't be tempted to get another one of these wretched things, in the vain hope that they might have improved them a bit and be deemed insane by the lady of the house for doing such a ridiculous thing!
Meanwhile all my real work is still being done on a Windows 7 based i5 desktop box with an ASUS mother board, from mid 2013, which (touch wood) has given me sterling service and owes me nothing at all. Even the OS has been ultra reliable and the machine has never been tainted with Windows 10, apart from the usual attempts of MS to force it on me.