Re: Oh, go on then
"Sure they can, and much worse. Go ask someone to kick you in the crown jewels. I garuntee you won't want to go back for a second kick. On the other hand, I know a lot of women who want, or have, second or even third children. Clearly, therefore, the kick in the nuts must be worse."
At the end of childbirth, one has the outcome of a new human being. That is usually a desired thing, hence the willingness to endure the discomfort. Offer said kicked gents the sum of one million (dollars, euros, pounds, whatever) for a return go, after a recovery time of at least nine months, and you would probably get a fair number of takers.
Oh, and do kicked nuts hurt at pain=9 or 10 for hours at a time? I have known women to be in labor for twelve+ hours. Weaker sex indeed!