We are so doomed...
The robots are coming, and they will be powered by Windows. The Robot Operating System for Windows, that is. Microsoft followed up its excited squeaking about Azure and productivity at Ignite last week by putting in a weekend appearance at ROSCon 2018 in Madrid, Spain to show off its very own trundlebot, a variant of Turtlebot …
(BBC America has been playing a Dr. Who marathon - heh)
Actually this meme might be better served by quoting a cyberman, but they don't repeatedly say anything beginning with the letter 'E', not that I can remember anyway...
[ok who uploaded that 'cyberman' virus to all of the windows robots - as an "upgrade"]
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!
Seeking new drivers............................................................................
Downloading new drivers....
Installing new drivers..............
A new ammunition cartridge has been detected. Please restart this killbot for changes to take effect.......................................
"Open the pod bay doors, Hal"
"I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that as this copy of Windows is not authentic. Do you have another licence key?"
"Open the pod bay doors, Hal"
"You can also try to authenticate your copy of Windows by phone. Would you like to do that now?"
"Cortana, call Microsoft support"
"Playing all songs by Mike and the Mechanics"
"Ok never mind. Cortana, how long does it take you to die after removing the helmet from a space suit?"
"Finding web pages about removing the hatstand from a snail shell"
(continues forever...)
professional robot wrangler
Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god!!!
I can imagine the line first thing Monday when we power on.... sorry your robot is updating....... 3hrs later.. update failed , rebooting... re-applying update.....
As for 'more aware of the people and hazards".... that means another cage around the original cage just in case .....
Getting my coat... to run off and retire early
As soon as it has finished these updates and a couple of restarts. Mind you, it'll be a the only time anyone says "I'm glad Microsoft updates take so sodding long".
Then Microsoft will send it the way of the Windows Phone, because it's not UWP or simply because.
Redmond is quick to point out that getting the platform on Windows will make it easier for developers to plug toys such as Windows Machine Learning and Azure Cognitive Services into home, educational and industrial robotics.
And malware... don't forget malware. Why settle for a virtual bot herd when you can have the real thing?
"Honey, where is the credit card? I want to purchase an app for our robot so that it can fix Mexican food tonight. That app we purchased so it can make pizza was great!"
Meanwhile, Sonny walks up to a member of the family and says "I noticed you like Mexican food. Would you like me to find flights to Mexico? Delta is currently running a special on flights to Mexico City, 10% off today only."
"No thank you, Sonny. I just want fajitas tonight."
"I noticed that it has been 4000 miles since your last oil change. Would you like me to schedule an appointment to get your oil changed? Jiffy Lube is currently running a special on oil changes, free upgrade to synthetic oil, today only."
"No thank you, Sonny. I change my own oil."
"Would you like me to purchase oil for vehicle? Advance Auto is running a special on their motor oil. Free STP oil filter with the purchase of 5 quarts of Pennzoil synthetic motor oil, today only."
"No thank you, Sonny."
"I noticed your wife is a nurse and next week is her birthday. Would you like me to order her some nurse's scrubs? JC Penny is running a sale on nurse's scrubs, 15% off today only."
"No thank you, Sonny."
"I noticed that your blood pressure has been a little high lately. Perhaps you should call Dr. Smith and schedule an appointment. And ask Dr. Smith about Expesniveall, a new blood pressure medication by Pfizer. With Expesniveall you can take control of your life again. Side effects include poverty, stress over bills, death, violent diarrhea, and sodium deficiency. These are not all the possible side effects. Tell your doctor about all the medication you take. You'll be glad with Expesniveall because you will finally have your blood pressure under control. Call Dr. Smith today and ask about Expesniveall."
"No, Sonny. My blood pressure is high because every thought out of your mouth is a flippin' targeted ad!"
"Micro" and "soft" are not words you want associated with your sex doll. Though you might want a couple of windows installed, for the eyes to peer through. The Blue Screen Of Detumescence is to be avoided, or you'll end up with SadNads.
On the other hand, using a pengiun based sex doll is just too kinky, even for me. Perhaps BSD should be installed, especially if you are into BDSM.