Re: Why companies can regulate interstate commerce, and States cannot?
"Companies will be able to regulate and set policies"
proof, please, or else this is just FUD.
"pretending to defend the Constitution while they are actually breaking it fully"
/me facepalms at the ignorance and FUD. see icon.
Jerry Brown and his "successor" are a major problem in this state. Do you think that this is ACCIDENTAL, 2 months before an election that will attempt to replace "2nd Time Around" Brown with someone even WORSE??? (yeah I'm voting for Cox)
Brown and his cronies in Sack-of-who-knows [Sacramento] have been forcing socialism onto Cali-Fornicate-You for a LONG time, with little or no opposition. They have funding from Silly Valley zillionaires and George Soros. Surely you recognize that THESE people aren't working in YOUR best interest, right?
If you want to talk about 'corporations' running things, I suggest starting with the Demo[n,c][R,r}at "machine" that's already in place. It's all there, and extremely obvious if you look at it.
Jerry Brown has gone against the feds on MANY things since Trump was elected. I'm glad the feds are calling him on it. For the liberals would say "Federal law supercedes state law" for those things that are convenient, such as Obaka-"care", but when it comes to controlling 'teh intarwebs' and potentially taxing the HELL out of it [as mentioned earlier], they claim 'states rights'.
Hypocrisy takes many forms. And I'm voting for COX to try and put a STOP to this insanity!