Scary Clown
Trump has finally found his calling.
The United Nations has been hit with two damning data leak allegations in as many days. The global organization has seen researchers uncover a pair of flaws that had left a number of its records, and those of its employees, accessible to hackers online. Word of the first issue came out yesterday when security researcher …
Scary thing is that Trump's entire presidency has been defined by the fact Obama laughed at him years ago. Imagine how furious and outraged he is now with the entire world and how many stupid decisions this will lead to...
I was sure when Reagan was in power that the deep state had him sedated. Can't someone slip some beta blockers into Trump's breakfast? Or better, MDMA? Just imagine that idiocy and power teamed with an overwhelming desire to be mates with everyone...
Jimmy Carter was an honest, sincere, ethical,and moral President. His policies sucked, and it was a dark period in America’s history. High unemployment, high interest rates, high inflation, lots of personal suffering.
Trump is a laughable buffoon, but his policies have been great for the country. Lowest unemployment recorded for every segment of the population, low inflation, low interest rates, booming economy.
Let Carter be a role model for the kids, but keep someone like a Trump running the country.
Trump inherited unemployment under 5% and the boost is growth is being paid for by higher deficits due to the tax cuts - we're on pace to exceed $1 trillion deficit next year during a period of economic growth. So imagine how bad the deficits will be when this long expansion finally runs its course and we hit another recession.
The day of reckoning for that recession has been pulled in due to Trump's foolish trade war with China. They aren't going to blink, because they know political pressure will force the US to buckle first, so it won't even accomplish anything.
Who the fuck said anything about Carter? What is it with you pro-Trump folks that causes so much whataboutery, anyway? Can't say anything good about your guy, so you have to find something negative about somebody else (anybody else, apparently!)?
"Lowest unemployment recorded for every segment of the population, low inflation, low interest rates, booming economy"
All of which started turning around during the Obama Administration; Trump had sweet fuck all to do with it. Next?
@Jake > What a fucking buffoon. I weep for my country.
You guys have been led by weak pathetic losers for so long that you can't even recognize a real leader when you see one anymore.
I used to think the same as most of you about Trump (I'm being very serious here) until I understood what is really at stake here: on one side you have the Left with SJWs, Political Correctness, progressive liberals, Antifa, BLM, Toxic Feminism, self-loathing, Marxist professors on Universities openly brainwashing the youth and calling everyone who doesn't follow their narrative a racist, nazi, bigot, etc..., on the other you have... TRUMP, who is the ONLY leader in the past 20 years with balls, not afraid to REALLY speak his mind and go against the constructed narrative.
Funnily enough, it is the Left that is propagating Russian/Marxist ideals (where the 'Poor vs. Rich' mantra has simply been changed into 'Oppressed vs. Oppressors') while at the same time accusing Trump, who is actually diametrically opposed to that ideology, of collusion with the Russians. Thing is, if I can see this, so can you - all you need to do is take your head out of the sand and stop getting blinded by your own media-induced loathing of the Donald.
@jake - I am not being a troll, Jake, I'm being very serious.
Instead of calling me names, how about debating my arguments? That would be a LOT more productive than just proving me right, thank you. :)
Of course, it would be a lot easier for me to have a normal rational discussion here if the moderators stopped waiting HOURS to approve my posts as they are doing lately.
I've been following El Reg for 20 years and it saddens me to see a publication with a 'Biting the hand that feeds IT' tagline basically censoring anyone who doesn't follow the leftist narrative.
And if you are the moderator reading this and don't agree, please feel free to go read past posts of mine that were rejected (for instance, debating the so called gender pay gap) and then ask yourself WHY were they rejected. Did I insult anyone or resort to personal insults? No, I debate ideas (well, I did call Kieren a 'twat' once, but I was truly joking and only because he called me a Troll first - apparently HE wasn't joking, and his post was deleted afterwards). Do I curse or use swear words? No. Were my arguments fully rational? Yes, they just aren't politically correct.
I reached out to one of El Reg's own and the reply I got was 'it's not WHAT you say, it's HOW you say it, because SJWs get triggered easily'. I wish I was kidding but this is EXACTLY what I was told. I thought we were all adults here, but apparently not.
A nice chuckle was had by most. Meanwhile, at last estimate, Trump was custodian to some 4,000 nuclear warheads. ®
I hope that's merely a sobering reminder that the American public in their wisdom decided to put a bombastic egotist with an easily bruised pride and a tendency to hold grudges in charge of their country.
Otherwise it reads like they're letting jingo-ish US commentors write articles now.
Easy there Brit, I have a sad feeling you have, with your own two party system, looking at the direction of travel*, been able to mess up Britain more than Trump has in the USA.
What a modest guy he has become, did not reveal Mexico will pay for the wall, or has he suddenly become generous too.
To be a bit serious, he did not address the UN, but his own home front. He probably expected the audience to be quiet or applaud out of politeness, (like on Question Time).
Regarding Americans, you cannot laugh him out, you have to vote him out. or he will amuse you for about six more years, remember he is also the fittest President in American history. and he is the biggest up there and down there (she is fake news).
* does that expression make people sound very educated.
Do you really mean that the United Nations (?), that byword for incompetence, waste, lack of management or leadership and corruption, actually uses project management tools such as Jira?
I am sure it is simply that someone suggested that the UN could waste $1m on a JIra subscription and finance signed it off.
While I don't think Trump has done more than any other president, he has definitely accomplished more than any other president since Reagan. Especially for the common workers in the USA.
Most outside of the USA only hear bad, made up, and malicious things about Trump so they immediately believe it all. When in reality, his approval within the USA is steadily rising.
The taxpayers in the USA are tired of funding everything without help from allies, and are tired of being on the bad end of trade deals--especially tariffs. In the USA, you can buy European made jeans for about the same price as American made jeans. However, in Europe, you'll pay many times more for American jeans than the European jeans. Also, there will be a limit on the amount of goods the USA can send to another country, but there is no limit on the number of goods sent to the USA.
It's just about being fair. Imagine if your taxes were raised 10% to pay for something in another country.
Then you have to call out things like the Paris Climate agreement crap. To make sure Germany can meet this, they fund companies within their borders to move to a lesser country which doesn't have pollution controls. Germany didn't do anything to limit the overall global pollution, they just diverted the pollution to another country. Then hypocritically yell at other countries for not signing onto the pollution standards, and proclaim how environmentally friendly Germany is.
Here is the real funny part... people in the USA have begun to pay closer attention to the goods they purchase, and have stopped purchasing products from unfair countries. This is why many countries have decided to renegotiate trade deals with the USA without making too much fuss. Right now, America's economy is very strong, and companies are rewarding workers with higher wages and better benefits. If you're another country, do you really want to discourage Americans spending their money on goods from your country?
The ones you should really be kicking in the teeth is the media who freak out for no real reason and make up false stories and accusations on a president who is gaining in popularity within his own country, especially with the common working people.
" When in reality, his [Trumps] approval within the USA is steadily rising."
A swift google search clearly shows that the vast majority of polling and media companies consider Trumps approval ratings to be between 35% and 40% depending on the methods used.
Of course, Breitbart and Fox are claiming the precise opposite and if you get your news solely from them, then it would explain how you may have been misled.
Here's my search results:
Because it is so bad, even in rigged polls. He quotes his approval rating amongst republicans, which is at a record high above other republican presidents (even Reagan!) because Fox News has gone from being slanted to the right to being totally in the tank for Trump - it is like Pravda was back in the days of the USSR.
I think the reason why Trump was dumb enough to include his ridiculous claim about accomplishing so much at the UN is because he's used to getting applause from it. He really believes that his rallies reflect the general public, and not the most wild eyed Trump lovers. If he had to do a rally in front of a random cross section of America the boos for many of the things he says would be audible over the cheers, but his fragile snowflake ego couldn't handle that rejection. He prefers to live in a bubble where can believe he's loved by all.
Wouldn't be surprised if he never speaks at the UN again, but sends Pence or Pompeo.