Intelligent robots bribing for contracts
I don't see why not, as the only reasonable explanation of some government contracts is that they were allotted due to the bribery of and by unintelligent robots.
SAP has created an AI ethics panel to guide its use of machine-learning technology. If only it had a similar committee for fraud allegations: it might have avoided the corruption scandal engulfing it in South Africa. The German ERP giant – which is accused of kicking back $2m to secure state contracts – claimed it is the first …
We are driven by our values - money is valuable
We design for people - AIs are people too
We enable businesses beyond bias - anyone who can pay is welcome
We strive for transparency and integrity in all that we do - we strive to deliver ERP systems too, see how successful we are
We uphold quality and safety standards - our systems don't catch fire
We place data protection and privacy at our core - then do a core dump
We engage with the wider societal challenges of AI - robot wars
Strewth. Whatever are they on? What have they been injecting.
The software house is also committed to ensuring its AI code undergoes rigorous testing in the real world, and making the input, capabilities, intended purpose, and limitations of its systems clear to customers so no one is duped by hype – or tries to use the software for naughty purposes.
In the real world, no man and his dog give a fcuk about any of that. Just look at the evidence in capital markets with High Frequency Trading Algorithms indicating all is well whenever everything is dire and hurtling headlong into Catastrophic Collapse.
Hype Rules and it produces turds beyond compare and priceless, whenever brains use shit for intelligence and new disruptive information is feared rather than husbanded.
And let's be honest now regarding ....
The firm's final commitment is to look beyond its own technology, and tag along with existing efforts to identify and mitigate increased use of AI in other industries and disciplines.For instance, the European Commission established a high-level expert group on AI earlier this year, of which Markus Noga, SAP's senior veep for machine learning, is a member. This group is working to draw up a European AI strategy by early 2019, which SAP will no doubt take an interest in.
Does anyone really think and believe AI has any notion of listening to the likes of a European Commission or a SAP or a Microsoft or a Google and being led by them?
Positively sure, Voyna i Mor. Thanks for asking?
And I prefer to believe we be thinking of similar parallels on different wavelengths and headed towards Linking Points of Singularity where Sublime Internet Networking Networks make a Greater Sense of Everything for Everyone to be Wisely Advised of Practically Anything which is Leading and Good to Know and Great for Go Go Go ..... Va Va Voom-Voom*. :-)
Surely you do not believe any of that unintelligible even if you don't presently agree with the general drift?
* ... Va Va Voom-Voom
Does that include your yearly tithe structure, aka license fees ?
I don't know about SAP, don't recall much noise on that subject, but I do know that if ever Oracle publishes something like that, I'll have to buy the popcorn by the truckload, because fur will be flying.
An algorithm that delivers the wrong answer is not unethical, it is simply wrong, whether or not it is using what decades-old-algorithms are now being described as "AI".
Conversely, a company that blindly uses whatever comes out of their computer to guide legally actionable decisions *is* unethical, not simply wrong. Once again, this is irrespective of the sexiness of the algorithms involved.
That meaning has to be assessed in the light of (i) the natural and ordinary meaning of the clause, (ii) any other relevant provisions of the contract, (iii) the overall purpose of the clause and the contract, ...... https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/02/23/barry_sookman_sap_vs_diageo/
The overall purpose appears to result in the third party stifling of novel first party progress.
Is that the Intention ... and Almighty Glitch for Fixing?
The problem and product of ignorant market intervention for a temporary fake leading manipulation by forces and sources bereft of future vision provision is always Conflict and Revolution and the hunting down of responsible status quo agents/existing systems administrations ..... because Novel Change and New Growth is Natural.
And nowadays is there nowhere for those who and that which never imagined themselves to be identified and found guilty of such charges. And the punishment for such is suitably unpleasantly dire.
This hyperlink, Politicians–Not Hurricanes–Ensure Shortages, highlight the slippery slope to oblivion which many, who many more might have thought to know better, take to remain in positions of influence and pseudo-power.