back to article Planning on geeking out at CA World this year? Think again

If you're one of the roughly 4,000 people planning to get a Miami-worth of frequent flyer points in November, think again: CA has binned CA World. The anonymous reader who tipped us off to the cancellation noted that the move comes pretty late in the process. With just eight weeks to go, venue, speakers, attendees, and …

  1. Joe W Silver badge

    Really helpful

    The note adds that attendees and sponsors can contact or call +1-844-431-2758 to get their money back.

    So, you had booked a flight and a hotel room. The hotel reservation might be refundable. The flight almost surely is not. So they are offering to pay for that as well? Thought so.

    1. Captain Scarlet
      Thumb Down

      Re: Really helpful

      I assume that would probably be just for their ticket to CA World, the way back machine appears to show $1295 for a ticket -

      "Early Bird Rate

      Take advantage of our ultra-low rate—$1,295. A savings of $700 until September 21"

      Doubt they will help with cost of travel.

      1. Mark 85

        Re: Really helpful

        In that case, everyone go and party without the obligatory meetings, presentations, etc.

  2. frank ly

    Due Diligence

    They want to put all their attention into assessing the amount of goodwill in the balance sheets.

    1. Flicker

      Re: Due Diligence

      Goodwill? CA? I guess in the "normal" sense of the word a very, very large negative value would have to be booked. In the arcane parallel universe of IFRS / GAAP I guess things work differently, especially given CA's tottering edifice built on acquisition!

  3. hplasm

    Next yaer -

    Register to go -then don't book tickets...

  4. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


    I'm guessing attendees aren't the only ones not getting refunds. Whatever hellhole in Vegas this was booked at almost certainly has cancellation polices set months out... they can't rebook another convention at this late date so I doubt they're giving CA their deposit back.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: schadenfreude

      I stand corrected... this time it is NOT a Vegas hellhole. Will reserve judgement on Miami Beach. Haven't gone in years... not planning on going ever again. Became a marketing event instead of a tech event.

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