Do as I do
uTorrent, WireShark, Powershell, Ccleaner, SnippingTool, FreeWatch, DontSleep, PDF converters and Caffeine were among the more common risky apps.
The report said: "Like security bypass, the use of high risk applications is often a warning sign of something worse. A user will typically install such applications so that they can get around security measures, download pirated media, or engage in more sinister activity."
The real-life reason that people will use these and other freeware off the internet is that their organisation does not provide (i.e. spend money on) suitable secure tools that do what these do. If you need to read PDFs now would you wait 2 - 3 months for your purchase order to be approved? Which manager would accept that amount of delay. IT staff always get stuck on the sharp end of project delays, with little support from above. If they are pressured to deliver but receive no help in getting the tools they need, is it really their fault if they "improvise"?