I always wondered how the human batteries in The Matrix worked. Now we know.
Berkeley bio-boffins' butt-blasting belly-bothering batt-teria generates electricity
Scientists have discovered that a type of stomach bug contracted from unpasteurized dairy or raw meat can produce electricity. Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogenic bacteria that causes listeriosis, a particularly nasty infection that can be fatal. Milder symptoms include diarrhea, but it can also lead to more serious …
Friday 14th September 2018 08:42 GMT Timmsy
I am not a battery
In the Matrix humans are used for the body heat they generate which is then converted into electricity, if you recall you will have heard Morpheus mention the power produced in BTUs which is of course British Thermal Units.
This bacteria option is far more direct and would enable the machines to dispense with humans altogether.
Friday 14th September 2018 08:06 GMT Alister
It shouldn't be a surprise, really
Given that all higher forms of life uses electrical signals to control muscles, communicate pain, and do the whole "thinking" thing, it shouldn't really come as a surprise that bacteria have the ability to swap electrons.
The evolution of life from single-celled beings to multi-cellular organisms must have started from such basic building blocks, and the ability to pass electrical signals between cells is essential for that process, whether you are a bacteria or a eukaryote.
Friday 14th September 2018 10:03 GMT Millwright
Do the math(s)
500 milliAmps. The team estimate that each bacteria cell can give off about 100,000 electrons per second.
[...] In the electrochemical chamber there are approximately 100 billion bacterial cells,
10^5 x 10^11 = 10^16 electrons per second
1A =~ 6 x 10^18 electrons per second -> 0.5A =~ 3 x 10^18 electrons per second
Two orders of magnitude error. Tsk
Saturday 15th September 2018 19:22 GMT pɹÉÊoÉ snoɯÊuouÉ
Will someone please think.....
Will someone please think about the defenceless bacteria. They are lifeforms, living, reproducing and trying to have a jolly good time of it, but some git in a lab coat is trying to stuff them into little tin cans to power your latest iGaget.
they need a spokes-bug and join Unison or Unite to get them a fair deal.