Re: Screwing around with education
That reminds me of my two experiences with sex education.
When I was in high school, back in the mid '70s, we had our sex education class. One single class, where we where given a book about sex education, and expected to read it quietly in our science class, and don't ask questions. I read through it rather quickly, since my parents had already provided me with better sex education books a year earlier. I knew it all already. Much to my dismay, this fact didn't make me more popular with the female students in my class. Perhaps finishing first just isn't popular, er reading the book I meant.
Fast forward to the year 2000, where I got a quick demonstration of the state of the progress of sex education in Australia. A friends ten year old showed me the popup sex education book being used at the time. So the age of sex education had been lowered, the material was more interesting (pop up genitals), and the kids are allowed to take them home.
Fast forward to today, with that rate of progress I'm expecting toddlers to be reading "My First Porno, Fun with Dick and Jane" *, and watching "Peppa Pig does Porno" on YouTube, in pre-school. I don't currently have any friends with toddlers, so no idea. Things are no doubt different in UK, where "No Sex Please, We're British" was a thing.
Paris Hilton icon, not coz I wish she was involved in my sex education, she was born later than that, but that someone that looks like her was.
* Yes, I'm aware that movie had nothing to do with sex, it fits the "My First Reader" style of names though, plus has the word "Dick" in it.