Re: I Wish You Luck
I use ARM every day in my development environment. I work almost entirely on Raspberry Pi these days.
I would profit greatly from a Windows laptop running on ARM with Raspbian running in WSL.
That said, I already get 12 hours battery life on my Surface Book 2 for watching videos and I also have. Core i7 with 16GB RAM and a GTX 1060.
Nokia basically destroyed their entire telephone business by shipping underpowered machines with too little RAM because they actually believed batter life was why people bought phones. They bragged non-stop about how Symbian didn’t need 200Mhz CPUs and 32MB of RAM and yet, the web did and when iPhone came out and was a CPU, Memory and battery whore, people dumped Nokia like the piece of crap it was. The switch to Windows was just a final death throw.
After all these years, ARM advocates seem to think people give a crap about battery life and are willing to sacrifice all else... like compatibility or usability just so they can not run what they want or be able to use it just because they can’t carry a small charger with them. I honestly believe that until ARM laptops are down to $399 or less and deliver always online Core i5 performance, they won’t sell more than a handful of laptops.
Let’s also consider that no company shipping Qualcomm laptops are making a real effort at it. They’re building them just in case someone shows interest. But really, the mass market doesn’t have a clue what this is or why it matters and for that much money, there are far more impressive options.
And oh... connectivity. If always connected was really a core business for Microsoft, why is it that my 2018 model Surface Book 2 15” Computer packs LTE?