unsavoury incident?
"The whole unsavoury incident underlines the importance of multi-factor authentication in protecting sensitive accounts. ®"
I call bs. I've got three sets of nude / sexual photos and videos of three former lovers, strongly encrypted. Taken on their devices at their insistence, and I bet their copies aren't encrypted because none of them would listen to me when I lectured them on computer security.
The overwhelming, off-putting amount of self-published porn on the internet today strongly suggests nobody except stalkers would be the least bit interested in celeb photos.
Has anyone else here had sex with a millennial? I tend to think of millennials as the post internet porn generation, because in my experience they tend to have sex like porn videos.
In my day you did one position then stopped, they rotate every five minutes and do things without asking that we used to discuss for weeks. Sex used to mean a lot to us, for the younger ones it's more like tennis.
"I guess he's an X-box, and I'm more Atari" ~ Cee Low
I don't like X-boxes, I love Ataris. Ms Pacman was the first game character I came to.