Conspiracy theory.
From a financial and technology viewpoint the whole Pixel thing doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.
And the argument 'get the latest Android first' does not appear to be convincing many consumers to take the bait either. AND it's available from other brands through 'One'.
Add to that that Google, despite its market penetration and billions of dollars is not a consumer brand. It may be the premier goto place if you wish to delve into the particulars of sales and marketing, but as a 'consumer' brand (you know, the consumer you want to flog the phones to) it means zilch : it has no chique, no status, no sexy.
Als anyone to name 5 droid phone brands : they won't come up with Google. And I don't see Google actively developing the brand as an electronics poowerhouse either.
So there must be another reason why Google keeps pouring money into this. Are these phones equipped with special software running behind the scenes that collect invaluable information about other people, locations and situations, serving as sort of illicit 'forward observation points' for Foogle for other nefarious purpose ?
They've proven already they'll go to any lengths to gather the infromation they want. Even explicitly telling them 'no' doesn't work.
I'm very suspicious !