back to article India's Cosmos bank raided for $13m by hackers

Cosmos Bank in India says that hackers made off with $13.4m in stolen funds over the weekend. Multiple reports out of the country say that a group of attackers used cloned cards to withdraw cash from ATMs at a set time and perform a fraudulent SWIFT money transfer. Together, the efforts resulted in about Rs 94 crore ($13.4m) …

  1. Daedalus

    How can this happen?

    After all, India has the most cost-effective technical support people on the entire planet!

  2. jake Silver badge

    Nice for a bank to admit it!

    'hackers made off with $13.4m in stolen funds"

    Any word on who the bank stole the funds from in the first place?

  3. sanmigueelbeer

    Well, $13.4 mil is not much for North Korea to "burn" to fund Fatty Boy's lifestyle. It'll just last him a few hours before the money runs out.

    Bad news about this is that they pulled hard cash, which is un-trackable.

  4. Anonymous Coward

    Report points finger at North Korea for cyber-heist

    I say it was shape shifting reptilian humanoids from a planet in the Alpha Draconis star system.

  5. Anonymous Coward
    Anonymous Coward


  6. Winkypop Silver badge


    I thought it was Billions and Billions...

  7. Cuddles

    Shutting the wrong stable door

    "The Indian bank... has suspended online banking in the wake of the incident."

    A bunch of money was stolen by withdrawing it from ATMs and once again abusing SWIFT. The bank has therefore blocked all its customers from using online banking, despite that not having been involved in any way.

    1. Anonymous South African Coward Silver badge

      Re: Shutting the wrong stable door

      Makes one glad of not using that bank.

      Unless you bank with TSB.

    2. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Shutting the wrong stable door

      Its to prevent a bank run, from everyone taking their money out, which would make the bank fail in 24 hours - and everyone losing their money.

  8. EJ

    More than banks get those FBI

    "a confidential alert sent from the FBI to US banks" - it's sent to more than just banks because I got it, too, and we're not a bank. It was from an FBI-issued PIN (Private Industry Notification, # 20180809-001) and was marked "TLP: AMBER" (Traffic Light Protocol), meaning it can be shared among others in your peer and partner organizations.

  9. Bavaria Blu


    Banks really need to be better regulated. There should be international security standards mandating chip and pin or better still biometric. Some countries like Norway have had photographs on credit cards for years (I know that won't help in this case or online fraud). Is the cost really so high that the banks don't want to reduce fraud? The idea that you can go online and purchase things with just the card number is so 20th century. Its like using a typewriter or VHS player.

    1. Anonymous Coward
      Anonymous Coward

      Re: Bankers

      Most banks are extremely regulated. It's just that in India corruption (shortcuts, underpaid/funded IT depts, bribes to get anything done) very common. Not unlike their electrical infrastructure. Which makes all these exploits not only possible, but inevitable.

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