'Facebook's security boss Alex Stamos is offski'
What no apology for his departure??? Zuck's cult is losing its touch!
Meantime, anyone actually keeping count of the # of FB apologies?
Facebook chief security officer Alex Stamos is leaving the social network to work on information warfare at Stanford University. The social network has not named any replacement. Admiral Mike Rogers of the NSA Why does the NSA's boss care so much about backdoors when he can just steal all our encryption keys? READ MORE The …
"Earlier this year we embedded our security engineers, analysts, investigators, and other specialists in the heart of our product and engineering teams."
That's a great start. You know what would be a great next step? Having an executive-level security expert. Preferable one that doesn't think that all of the security threats Facebook presents to its users come from outside Facebook.
My thoughts exactly.
What are the chances that any of the embedded security people gets cut off at the knees when complaining about a security issue that needs to be fixed that endangers the delivery date of a new feature?
Without a direct connection to C-level management, any push for security will be doomed to fail.
Stamos said he had planned to leave earlier this year, shortly after he reportedly clashed with his superiors in arguing the social network needed to be more forthcoming about Russian election interference and disinformation campaigns. Now we know he moving on to become a full time academic, specialising in information security policy, the role of security and technology in society and related areas.
Expect a nevernding spew of books about Digital Pearl Harbor, promotional tours about how Russians are undermining democracy, pwning the Internet of Things and generally probing Zuckerberg's flock using glowing touchscreens from afar.