Is there any crime
Where max sentence is actually less than a year?
There are sneaky things like community protection notices, Criminal behaviour orders etc (essentially ASBO replacements)
These can be applied for "antisiocial" behaviour (can only get CBO if convivcted of a crime, but this could be very low level crime e.g. heat of the moment angry tweet)
They massively infringe your civil liberties, e.g. may ban you from certain areas (the challenge of buying essentials when banned from your city centre), ban you from associating with certain people, make yoiu go to a support group etc.
If you breach any of th (often ludicrous) restrictions, as an adult the max fine is 2 years.
Thus, in England & Wales (I think Scotland may still have old style ASBOs?) , essentially a stupid restrivction can be applied that is difficult to not break (e.g. someone banned from seeing friends / family members that they have good relationship with*) - but doing this trivial thing gives a 2 year sentence.
Unless that loophole is addressed then the regs are a joke.
These rules can (and have been) used to harass legitimate protestors (if you are passionate about a cause that is anti UK govt policy and go to a few protests then don't be surprised if a CPN (nasty no max time on restrictions) or CBO (max 3 years)is applied (civil injuncytions less likey as shorter lasting so less punitive)
* There are legit uses of banning seeing someone e.g. to stop stalkers, domestic abusers etc. but often used to prevent "antisocial" person seeing those they are friendly with but deemed bad influences (young, non - white, group of lads (just pals in town centre hanging out as there's nothing else to do as all youth facilities closed down as "austerity") easily becomes a "gang" in the eyes of an aged white magistrate and hey presto, you cannot see your mates).