Re: If Only It Worked That Way
I wonder how much longer discs will even be an option for consoles?
PC games on disc died years ago once digital download became common and easy (i.e. Steam, then later platforms from Ubisoft and EA, GoG etc).
Discs simply died as PC gamers just started downloading everything, plus brick & mortar shops started to no longer stock PC disks, as fewer people were buying them, which just pushed more PC gamers to download instead. Now you don't see PC games on disc, despite being a buoyant and active market.
I can already see console games going this same route. All modern consoles now have (and have for a while now) got easy to use on line market places. The only discs I have for my XBox One S are some that I got when it was bought. All other purchases since have been digital downloads. (I only buy a few, as I'm mostly a PC gamer). Plus DLC/expansion are always downloads as far as I know.
My console only playing friends have also mostly been doing downloads, with very few disc purchases in the last year or so.
If this continues, I can imagine a future, and not that far away, where publishers stop providing discs versions, and only do digital downloads, just like the PC market did.