Re: Denying reality for the sweet, sweet cash
one which completely denied the existence of Jerusalem for the reality challenged community.
You mean "completely denied the fact that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel". That's right, because it, well, isn't Israel's capital. Let me tell you why:
I'm going to buy a pistol, take over your house, kill your wife and children - may God forbid any harm happens to them - and call it mine.
Does that make it really mine? I'm the stronger entity and I took your house by force. Does that give me the right to it?
I've got plenty of sympathy for the plight of the Palestinians, but that doesn't extend to flattering them and the rest of the Israeli hostile Arab world when they want to engage in delusional wishful thinking.
I live in an Arab nation and I'm a Muslim so let me answer this with regards to our community.
Let me make it clear first that we have absolutely no problem with Jews. They believe in the same God as we Muslims and our fellow Christians believe in. There is a large Jewish community in the western part of the Arab world, and we live in peace with them.
That is why I believe that Israel's claim of "anti-Semitism" that they throw upon Arabs and Muslims is groundless.
However, we absolutely have a problem with anybody, anybody, who comes over to the houses of our neighbors with heavy guns, take over their land, spill the blood of their children, and drive them to exodus and madness.
Why? Remember the analogy I gave above about me taking over your house and claiming it to be mine ... that's why.
The people who chant "death to Israel" in protests are the very people whom had their families killed by Israeli forces in 1948 and 1967 and beyond.
But don't get me wrong. I don't advocate the use of force and violence as a solution, and I hate revenge that sheds more blood. But is letting Israel take over Palestinian lands fair? Is letting Intel set up its R&D facilities in Kiryat-Gat, on the rubble of the houses of the Palestinian village of al-Fallujah fair, at least to the fathers and children of the victims?
Hope I explained it! :-)
If anybody has another viewpoint, I'll be glad to hear it!