Big money always wins over the fakery that is partisanship. The quid pro quo is big money helps pay for the divide and conquer of those who are still fooled by an utterly fake dichotomy of left vs right (or whatever dumb labels you use today).
My entire rather long life has been spent watching this show, and watching the big money get all the regulatory moats they desire to keep any competition at bay, using D&Rs as a tool. You can pick yer poison - but it's still poison.
Of course, it's the un-elected bureaucrats who, along with the lawyers, always win...they get to "enforce" said laws, which is a huge jobs program for them and promotions for their management. In other words, everyone wins but us. Except that with that other trend, the infinitely expanding government, the bureaucrats increasingly ARE us (thank $diety I'm not one of them).
To bad no one's figured out how to get these guys to produce value. You can't mandate food, energy, clothing, housing, riches. Someone has to make that stuff, and it isn't the players here.