Re: I seriously disagree with you
Again with "the" answer. Education is but a tool. One at that. It is not the same as learning. It is blinding to the thought process to treat education as a panacea, "the answer".
You compare with reading and writing - there is no subjectivity of the individual here - it is a rote action once learned. Critical thinking isn't, to compare it would be the equivalent of education creating shakespearean grade writers out of everyone or every literate being able to figure out an encrypted piece of text - they could "read" it, but not all will understand it. Some might. Application of skills cannot be prescriptive, thus a free, critical thinker cannot be prescriptively created.
So an education - time bound and thus requiring a select set of experiences in that time, has never shown to create this absolute state of the critical thinker - objective, balanced unbiased and rational - in any and all areas, topics, situations; known and unknown. You can at best instil some base skills and hope life experiences improve things.
That still means the post "educated" population will not approach all situations rationally. One might have had a travel experience that makes them understand better than another who didn't. That is the learning it continues after your "education", a structured phase.
Don't confuse government incompetence with some "blind obedience" conspiracy. The outcome of "the Education" described by you exists no where and never has. It is an utopian ideal, time is finite.
Meanwhile you need a solution or even a workaround for the real world until you get there.